Hiya folks My name's Ryan or Feebo, whatever floats your boat I couldn't see a welcome section so I guess I'll introduce myself with a question. I've recently accuired a pair of veiled chams which are four inches or so not including tail so I guess they're fairly young considering thier growth rate. (Three or four months?) My question is one about food. I'm lucky enough to have a reptile room full of snakes which is lovely and warm. I breed Ethiopian crickets for my Whites tree frogs in that room and they do very well. (They sing like birds, look them up!) so I thought I'd definitely like to breed what I can for my new chams. i do have one requirement though. The feeders need to reproduce almost unaided as I don't really want to be having to incubate eggs seperatly or anything. My Ethiopian crickets just breed like Billyo given the right conditions, regular food and some high humidity laying tubs. Could you guys and girls make some recommendations for me please as to what might be a good idea to breed? I have been reading up on the forum and internet in general but there's little substitute for experienced owners where getting good info is concerned! Well it's nice to meet you I love my photography so you'll be seeing lots of photos from me soon