Feeder Insects


New Member
I have had my veiled chameleon for about 7 months now. In the first 2 months i fed him crickets and different worms . After i let him try dubia roaches he now refuses to eat anything but worms and roaches. Is it bad for him to be only eating the roaches and not a variety of different insects? He still eats a variety of different worms beside the roaches as well. Thank you in advance.
Well gut loaded Dubia roaches make an excellent main diet. Just change up your gut load ingredients periodically, and feed some king meal worms and silk worms.
I'd bet your cham will come back to crickets at some point.
Giant mealworms are Tenibrio monitor, and are actually a regular mealworm that has been chemically altered to not pupate, but keep growing. Giants can be refrigerated, IMHO are one of the worst feeders due to the hard exoskeleton, Calcium to Phosphorus level, and chemical altering

Super worms are Zoophobas Morio, and are not related to mealworms. The exoskeleton is soft, they move faster, and they have published nutritional values.


Giant mealworms are Tenibrio monitor, and are actually a regular mealworm that has been chemically altered to not pupate, but keep growing. Giants can be refrigerated, IMHO are one of the worst feeders due to the hard exoskeleton, Calcium to Phosphorus level, and chemical altering

Super worms are Zoophobas Morio, and are not related to mealworms. The exoskeleton is soft, they move faster, and they have published nutritional values.


Tell it, Nick! Love when you give great bug trivia. (y)
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