Feeders....Human consumption??


New Member
Well I had to go there.....:D

I have seen various insects and critters that we would normally consider "pet food" covered in chocolate, chilie and even fried up!:) When I first started raising silk worms I found a site that sold cans of cooked silks for human consumption. I am really curious to see what they actually taste like.:eek: Am I nuts!?!?...mabey..:cool: But I still want to try them.:D Have you ever had any of these dreadful treats? Chocolate covered grasshoppers, crickets, worms...etc?? LLL sells them. They have scorpion candy suckers and even sour cream and onion covered crickets!!

I will need to order some the next time I get supplies!:)

Ewww! :eek: That's gross! I'm sure that they all taste really awful - even if they are covered in chocolate! That's a great idea for an adult party game - you could mix some in with normal chocolates and guess the centre! YUK! (We need a 'vomiting' smiley face!)
i know of someone on here who has tried, a cricket, a worm, and... i think a roach. :) Kinda gross, but i geuss if ya wanna know what your feeding your cham eh ;)
I have wondered this myself. I wasn't thinking chocolate covered though. I would like to try mine deep fried. You can deep fry almost anything and it'll taste good!!! :D


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I've had mealworms (nutty flavour, quite nice), crickets (best when gutloaded with orange and dipped in chocolate), scorpian and others.

Insects are a healthier way to get protien than factory raised beef, pork and poultry, and much easier to raise / less impact on the environment. Even though North Americans are strangley squeemish, its common in much of the world to eat insects, aracnids, etc.
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I have seen various insects and critters that we would normally consider "pet food" covered in chocolate, chilie and even fried up!:) When I first started raising silk worms I found a site that sold cans of cooked silks for human consumption.

Hey Jay,
The silkworm can that you are talking about is native Korean delicacies. Korean called them Boendegi.
It is actually not fried but boiled or steamed
Boendegi is actually the pupae of silkies. Since the chrysalis is brown in color, perhaps that is why people think it was fried.
But, I do know some people in certain area of China and SE Asia also eat the pupae.
Perhaps, they stir fry the pupae..
Now after all that trivia, I am embarrass to say that I do not know how they taste. I freak out when I went to S Korea and see Boendegi snack vendor.
Too bad... :eek:
To my defense, I was 11 at that time.

Ewww! :eek: That's gross! I'm sure that they all taste really awful - even if they are covered in chocolate! That's a great idea for an adult party game - you could mix some in with normal chocolates and guess the centre! YUK! (We need a 'vomiting' smiley face!)

I know crickets are supposedly taste like nut. If they taste awful, I don't think your chameleon will like them. :)
In California, we have one specific restaurant that serves only insect (i saw it once on Travel channel). But, i don't remember the place name.
They have deep fried tarantula. And, people there swear it taste like soft shelled crab.

I probably would love to try that one :)
I suspect, Boendegi will taste lame (or not a lot of flavor) right away from the can. I suggest deep frying it and put some flavoring.

I love to cook. And, cooking delicious insect is definitely a challenge i am interested in. :D
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When I was in Australia, I ate a witchetty grub, and it also tasted like peanuts. I would say more like old, stale peanuts than actual peanuts though lol.

I also licked those ants with the green bums, they cured a hangover for me! They tasted just like limes.

I wish I coulda had some of those honey ants though...

If you think about it, it makes more sense to eat bugs and plants, than animals...
This thread has inspired me to find an insect restaurant when I get the chance and try some. :)
What a brave, flexable? group wehave for food. Not me I eat deer, elk, and other game that hubby shoots but that is my limit.

I worked in a resturant when in college, nights at Denny's, and the cook and I grabbed some worms in the parking lot one night when it was raining, grilled them and the guy who got them on his burger never said a word about how they tasted.:D

Jay if you are that hungery I will sent you a gift cert ot a resturant!!!!!
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They are considered delicacies in other places. But i have been curious about that myself. For me to want to eat them the legs and head have to be off and they need to be covered up with something else very heavily. I will just let my cham do the bug eating.:D
Jay if you are that hungery I will sent you a gift cert ot a resturant!!!!!

Haha, thanks Laurie. How about a home cooked meal instead? Thats something I rarely see.:( Syn and I are going to do a tour across America, in search of tasty crawlers, we will be sure to stop by.:p

Sorry but just the thought of have a shell of a cricket stuck in my teeth turns me off completely....ill leave the insects to my chams =)
Dude, I gotta see ya, You Tube, you savoring a Hornworm. > as My Chams do, & if bugs are on your menu! :D ha, they do need a puking face to add here!
Haha, thanks Laurie. How about a home cooked meal instead? Thats something I rarely see.:( Syn and I are going to do a tour across America, in search of tasty crawlers, we will be sure to stop by.:p


I can do a home cooked meal as long as I don't have to put bugs, or worms in it. Come on up, lots of room.:)
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