Feeding and the weight of your cham?


My cham is 10 months going on 11 and is 16 1/2 inches long. He has put on weight but it's not anything obvious. Is this alright? When i see pics of other chams they look slightly fatty and healthy. When my dude isn't puffed up (he mostly never is) he looks skinny to me. proportionately skinny, but still. I know i'm feeding him right and offering plenty of water and he is shedding on the dot every month sometimes before a month has passed. Is there anything else I could be doing to help him get more plump or is he ok?
from 2 or 3 days ago

feel your best bet would be to get his weight posting pictures will help others to say if he looks skinny or not, and im almost certain theres a weight thread somewhere. been meaning to weigh my guy recently believe at 6/7 months or so he was about 94g i think. oh and i have a panther so their weight will probably be different
i have no idea what scale i need to weigh him, all i've been going off is the fact that he would eat a LOT more if i let him and he sheds as often as he should so i know he is growing. hopefully someone can tell me whether he looks thin or normal for his age from the above pic.
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