feeding my 11.5 months old veiled


Helloo everyone!
Dante, my veiled chameleon is about to turn 1 year in a couple of weeks...
And he is looking happy, great and healthy. I will upload some pictures when he turns 1 year xD
I just would like to be sure Im doing ok with the feeding amounts...
The care sheet says that the amount should be 7-10 medium-large crickets every other day.
What does "eveyr other day" should be?
should I skip one day?... two days between feedings? ...
That kind of gets me confused...

(Oh and by the way, he doesnt gets only crickets... he also gets dubia, supers, locusts, grasshoppers, moths and pillbugs)
Every other day means feed one day, skip the next day, and feed the following day. However, most people feed their chameleons everyday and I recommend feeding everyday like 10-15 crickets.
You think so?
But i believe there should be a reason why they suggest skipping food sometimes... Dont you think?
I jus would like to know why and when should i skip...
Every other day means feed one day, skip the next day, and feed the following day. However, most people feed their chameleons everyday and I recommend feeding everyday like 10-15 crickets.
Why would you say that? That amount would make an adult cham overfed quite fast.

You can feed everyday if you want to. Just divide the amount in half.
You think so?
But i believe there should be a reason why they suggest skipping food sometimes... Dont you think?
I jus would like to know why and when should i skip...
Feeding every other day is trying to imitate the nature. That's more or less how they eat in the wild. Some if not most adult cham would even refuse to eat everyday.
If I'm not mistaken there is no real advantage in feeding every other day, so if you prefer, you can feed everyday, but just half of the adviced amount (3-5 crickets).
I have never heard in my life anyone feeding a chameleon 3 crickets a day. Less than a year isn't even full mature yet... you should feed everyday like however much maintains your chameleon at a good weight at least 6-10, not 3...
As they get older, they won't eat as much. If he's eating, I suggest feeding him everyday. My Cham is 1 1/2 and lately he's so picky. He's on and off about eating. When he's hungry, he eats, but it's not unusual for him to go a day or 2 without touching any food.
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