Feeding Strikes? How Long?

You think the waxworms may have triggered it? I force fed him a couple earlier and some crickets and a superworm and i just put a waxworm in fron of him to see if he ate it and he did without hesitation. Then i offered a couple superworms with some calcium on them and he looked and then ate them right out of my hand. I dont even think you understand how i feel right now!
Oh ... I think we all understand.
These guys can be frustrating, but I still maintain that if they are healthy ... it's not that unusual for them to take time off of food .. and they will eat when they're hungry.
Despite the small amount of parasites (which may or may not have effected his appetite [*my guess is not]) He is a very healthy chameleon.


*Just about every WC chameleon comes in with a heavy parasite load and none of them are starving themselves.
Yeah its just the fact that ive always owned turtles, geckos, snakes, and other furry animals that will pretty much eat whenever you put food in front of them. My veiled has never once refused food and in fact i thought she may be gravid, when i took her to the vet he said she was overweight :p so ive been cutting her wayyyyyy back. Good point about the WC chams.
I took Louie to the vet on monday,did some tests on his blood said it looked great,looked a LITTLE dehydrated,not alot just once in a while give him water with a syringe. Try looking into carnivore care,thats what the vet gave me,its supposed to supply them with all the vitamins they are missing when not eating. But the vet said it was normal in panthers(chameleons in general too)to be going through the hunger strike at this point.
My oldest panther has been in a funk for about 2 months. He will go a week without eating a thing ang then he will eat like 6-7 crickets in one day. I feel after not eating for a week he should want more but thats all he will eat. He will eat a wax worm here and there too...more often than crickets. i am going to pick up some good for him wormy things this saturday at a show this weekend.
I think we decided it is a winter thing. He is still drinkin and hasn't lost any noticeable weight. I just let him eat when he is really hungry...I guess it would be different if i was watching him deteriorate.

I do have a question...I have a little male ambanja who is about 6 months old. He came here to Maryland about a month ago from southern california. He doesn't eat. I mean he has to eat at some point or he wouldn't be alive but he eats the bare minimum to stay that way. Could he be having a hard time with adjusting to artificial light sources as compared to being in cali with real sun?
Ya, same situation with mine. She hasnt been eating. The other day I got her to eat a Phoenix worm, then after that it was like she remembered how to eat. So she zapped a butterworm and superworm out of my hand.

But the next day it was back on strike. Maybe the cold weather....who knows
When i took Louie to the vet she said he had lost 20 grams,but she didnt seem to worried about it,is 20 grams too much?
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