Female Chameleon Legs

I want to do a comparison on female and male chameleon legs. If anyone has a female chameleon, please send back leg pictures.
I want to do a comparison on female and male chameleon legs. If anyone has a female chameleon, please send back leg pictures.
idk if this will help but here
Sounds like your having trouble figuring out the gender of your cham, if you want we can help you determine that if you send us pictures of the back ankles. Males have spurs like this-
Screenshot 2020-03-30 at 3.02.57 PM.png

Females do not. Females do also lay eggs without mating, just a heads up.
I already know my cham's gender, I just wanted to do a comparison to see the differences.
It might seem like i'm attacking you, and i'm not, but if you already know the gender of your cham, why do you need to see the differences? The only clear explanation to me would be if you got it from a breeder and they told you the gender, if you got it from a Petco or Petsmart, I'm guessing the gender is wrong along with other husbandry issues if you believed what the store employee told you, because most of the time they have around no knowledge for chams. Otherwise this doesn't make sense in my head. Ill tag some other members to see what they think. @jamest0o0 @JoXie411 @Brodybreaux25 @jannb Guys any thoughts?
I got Thanos from a Petco and they told me he was a girl. But I was looking up how to tell earlier today and Thanos has little spurs on the back of his legs. I wanted to see a females leg do I could compare it. Also, I do not feel like I'm being attacked but thank you for considering I might be. Also, I'm not trying to come off as rude. Sorry if I seem that way.
The presence of tarsal spurs is no longer a guarantee it’s a male. For whatever reason, a lot of captive bred female veilds are developing prominent rear spurs as well. They all have them but are usually too small to see.

it is still be quickest way to identify them but can be misleading, especially when buying one from a breeding factory such as Petco.

I agree you have a male.
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