Female Gravid?


New Member
Chameleon Info:
- Veiled Chameleon, female, 8 months old. Had her for six months
- My female i hardly handle due to not wanting to stress her
• Feeding - I tend to mix it up but generally i feed her crickets, wax worms and meal worms, and about 4 depending on which insect i use. I feed them once every two days and keep a constant log of when she eats and when she doesn't. I also gut load the crickets with carrots and oranges.
• Watering - I mist the cage several times a day and i have observed her drink several times.s?
• History -Usually she lets me hold her but lately (past month) she has been aggressive towards me and snapped at me. Now she wont even let me feed her and i have to get my dad ( co-owner as we bought them together) to feed her because i over stress her.

The Cage is in a very Low traffic Zone as No-one but me and my father ever touch them. Its in a bed room that is completely shut off from air conditioning ( my room is only air conditioned in summer for their health... it sucks for me heh)

Just trying to Find out why she is acting weird and if she is gravid or not. (will add photo later when i get my camera back
Aggressiveness towards handling isn't abnormal or a sure sign that she is gravid. A lot of my younger chams never showed signs of aggression but were sketich towards handling often times trying to escape me. As they get older that turns into aggression and sometimes biting. My female veileds have always been aggressive as they age. Nothing to be alarmed about...anything else she has been doing besides being aggressive that you think is abnormal?
has she lost her appetite, is she going to the bottom looking for places to dig? does she look fatter than normal? A pic would be helpful. There is no way for us to tell or even try to guess without seeing a picture.
Do you have a suitable place in her cage for her to dig to show you that she needs to lay eggs. Not providing a proper place (opaque container at least 12" deep c 12" x 8" full of moist washed playsand) can lead to eggbinding.
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I have a separate place for her thats deep and dark with moist sand. She is getting kinda chunky and starting to get blue dots on her skin.


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