female now, male later?


New Member
I'm wanting to get a pair of baby veileds because im planning on breeding them later on but dont have it in the budget to properly care for two of them at the moment. I was wondering if i should get a female first so she can become mature so its safe for her to breed and then get a male later? im assuming the male can be significantly younger and i hope so as i will most likely be getting a baby male after female is more mature.

I'm new to the hobby so any advice will help, unless its wrong! lol
sounds like a good idea if you plan on breeding.. females should be full grown before bred so its a good idea get her first an let her grow as you said most males will breed younger..
Welcome to the forums. If you do not have experience with chameleons and this is your first one then I would recommend a male first. They are a bit easier since you don't have to deal with the egg laying. Down the road you could buy an older female. I find chameleons to be a high maintenance pet and expensive to care for with feeders, gut load, vet visits and all. You might one to check out this older thread about breeding and my blog for new keepers linked below.
Welcome to the forums! I agree with jannb. I would probably recommend caring for one chameleon (undivided attention) without the goal to breed at first. I hear it is quite complicated. I feel it is better to get a feel for the correct care before jumping in further. :) Good luck!
thanks for the help guys.

rest assured this is not an impulse buy, I have owned turtles, scorpions, lizards, mantids. so i am not new in all aspects to the hobby but considering chameleons, yes i am and from the research ive done it will be higher maintenance but i hope that will transcend to more enjoyment for the hobby and peace of mind for a healthy chameleon.

I find them fascinating and have wanted one for years and i plan to start feeder colonies and already have an isopod colony on its way. Also the low budget is mostly due to a recent degloving my chocolate lab had to endure and ive already racked up over $2,000 in vet bills. the chameleons are cb from lllreptile at least that is where ill be ordering from. so hopefully if i take proper care i wont have to worry about a vet bill for a while. thanks for the input and the links. ive only belonged to this site for a few days and have found it very helpful. i expect to visit this site often. I will probably take the advice and go for a male first.

thanks again

what luck i just started rooting some cuts from my moms pothos and spider plants this morning hoping they would be good and the link u gave me to your post jannb recommends pothos. thanks for the info and if the spider plant would be harmful in any way, if somebody could enlighten me it would be appreciated.
Hello, welcome to the forum :). The spider plant should be fine too. Here is a safe plant list - http://www.flchams.com/safe_plant_list.asp
Either way round you buy the chams themselves should be fine, as you know we recommend the female be at least a year old and in good health before any breeding. Here is a great basic caresheet for Veileds - https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/chameleonsinmyhouse/395-veiled-chameleon-care-sheet.html
Also, buying at different times and/or from different sources will make sure you don't get a brother and sister pair....
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