Female Veiled Chameleon with mbd

Vet orders are as follows

Stick to dog food, up dosage to 3 times a day
Give 1ml mineral oil for constipation
Keep Temps high to try and get the eggs to absorb back in to her body.

I'll update in a couple days.
It's important to let her lay those eggs, however I think she has more pressing issues right now. I hate to give advise and she make a bad turn because of it, but if it were me I would leave her out of the ben until she sees the vet. Did they say how long the jaw would take to heal? She is not in a good situation I don't envy you at all. My hopes and prayers are with you both.
Vet orders are as follows

Stick to dog food, up dosage to 3 times a day
Give 1ml mineral oil for constipation
Keep Temps high to try and get the eggs to absorb back in to her body.

I'll update in a couple days.
The only problem is the whole egg absorption thing though not imposable rarely happens, but for her it might be the only option if she's thinking of laying in her condition.
He said she is not ready to lay yet. To let her recovery for a couple weeks before worrying about it. He did not say how long the jaw would take.
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Also I removed the bin and put her back on the bottom of the cage. I'm going to just follow the vets orders and pray it all works for the best for her.
The vet she is going to specializes in exotic animals. Chameleons being one of them. He even teaches exotic veterinary for a reputable school around here. Did you look him up at all? I posted his name and hospital.
Ok she is carrying but the eggs are small and not ready to come out. To see her reaction I showed her a cricket I killed. She attempted to eat it broken jaw and all! I mushed is up really well removed the legs and let her have it.Today she is a little more active and is moving around a little bit. She is still having a really hard time controlling her front legs (has really bad tremors) and can't really close her mouth due to her jaw. Her tongue is not just laying on the ground anymore but she does not have great control of it either. She is showing a lot of light green blue and orange today as well

EDIT: 3:55 pm
Never been so happy to clean up poop! She finally pooped and was it a big one. Very healthy looking!
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