Female veiled eating sand in the laying bin

Nothing in there but sand and yes plenty of times, she was definitely enjoying something in the bowl because everytime she sees the bowl now she comes running
She started by shooting her tongue at the sand then when she got in the bowl she began biting it, I can say I never saw her get a mouthful of sand but it definitely looked like she was eating some. And the bowl is only so I can see when she starts digging, then I will put in something bigger
Dont try to guess when she try to dig,if I were u ,I would replace that tiny container with a big bucket,she might think its a "cup feeding" on that shallow container,and use the correct calcium supplements schedule ,her body is telling her she needs calcium to produce eggs,maybe thats the reason she takes the sand as a calcium resources....
Change thing around,it might correct her sand eating behavior.
Low calcium can occur even when there is enough in the diet if there is an imbalance in the vitamin D 3 and vitamin A and phosphorous and uvb.

Lettuce is only good to provide moisture and I would skip the bananas too.
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