Female Veiled Gravid Colors or Just Stressed??

Female veiled chameleon about 10 months old (looked a few months old when I got her and she has been in my care for 6 months and 3 weeks). She is almost 70 grams and has been showing some very new colors (a bunch of black dots, a blue stripe across the crest and yellow dots on legs) and I think they might be gravid colors but I am not sure, thats where I need your help! Thank you :)
She has a laying box, here is a pic of her. chameleon.jpg
Those look more like receptive colors to me, but I haven't owned a female veiled so hopefully someone with more experience will respond. Are you trying to breed her?
What do you mean by receptive colors, this is my first cham so I don't know what that means. She has never showed these colors.
She looks identical to my male veiled. They only start showing these colors after a certain age (im not an expert - but I've seen the little babies and they don't have markings). If you manage to aggravate her, she will no doubt grey (particularly the crest on her head), and you'll see black spots forming on her body - translation - back off!

Your picture is the resting colors of mine! :) Seems natural!

Hope this eases some tensions!
Looks like she is or is going to be receptive soon; meaning she'll be ready to mate. Doesn't mean you have to mate her, just means she's ready. Either way you will probably be dealing with eggs in the near future. Time to read up!
Look on the care resources section. Or look at Jannb's blog.
I have been prepared for eggs already and have several laying containers. She actually turns bright neon green if I touch her and the dots go away if she sees me.
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