
Hi! My female chameleon who’s a year old started showing these colors today. She is normally purple and peach. Any explanations?


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True confession time! I have a lady panther, but she’s never laid eggs and so I’m not sure exactly what gravid coloration is for panthers. Your little princess will develop eggs whether or not she’s even seen a boy. To prevent egg laying problems, do follow the advice in my blog for veileds. Start the feeding regimen after she lays and not before. Always keep a lay bin in her enclosure just in case.
True confession time! I have a lady panther, but she’s never laid eggs and so I’m not sure exactly what gravid coloration is for panthers. Your little princess will develop eggs whether or not she’s even seen a boy. To prevent egg laying problems, do follow the advice in my blog for veileds. Start the feeding regimen after she lays and not before. Always keep a lay bin in her enclosure just in case.
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