New Member
Fergus is roughly a year and a half got him when he was small from a pet zoo. Lately he has been listless for about 2 weeks eating sparingly when he devours meal worms and wax worms dusted 1x a week with repticalcium and crickets gut loaded with cricket gel like crazy. About 7 wax 10 meal and i would say 5 large (3/4in) size crickets a day or every other day. He usually sheds ever 2weeks and his eyes are the worst at shedding usually takes longer. He has a mister set 2hrs to spray 2minutes. He is in a 3'tall by 18" wide glass terrarium with mess roof and drain tube at the bottom for the excess water to drain.He has the lighting in the picture one is uvb not coil style. He does get handled a lot at least 3 times a week since he was brought home . I can put the guy to sleep while holding him so I dont think he is stressed. In front of windows so he gets direct sunlight through them as well. Lately his eyes keep crusting over and his appatite is not his usual. I will drop warm water over his eyes to ease the crusting as well he will drink maybe once out over 4 times that i do drop water. His plants are platic and a live ficus tree that has been there since day 1. Urates are normal white and brown but far less than usual due to not eating as much. Is he unhealthy or going through a growth stage than is not as common like breading stage? He is male has huge spurs on back feet.