few questions?


New Member
What exactly should the humidity lvl be? i have herptivite, jurasical(no d3 or phosphorous) and then Miner-all 1(w/ d3), what would be a good dusting schedule? oh and i got Jurasical cleaning wipes, theyre non-toxic..theyd be good for all of my herps right?
Tell what kinda cham and age. and cage size. (For those who dont know) and the question can be answered more accurate :)
oh this is me who put the pics up on my last thread u guys both helped me there but hes a male veiled, about 3-4 months i was told..you can see the cage and cham in the general thread called "For those of you who wanted to see my cham/chams cage" or something like that
oh yea! sorry all the new member confuse me. I can remember the senior and members, but never any new people. sorry:( ok about your question!

humidity-40% should be your minimum and be most of the time.
70%+ spike during and shortly after mistings.

supplements- this is mine

Herptivite- Tues&Fri
T-Rex CHameleon Formula-Wed&Sat

i rotate weekly between d3 calcium and no d3 calcium
what is the just calcium part? u see i have minerall 1 which has d3, herptivite, and i have jurasicall which is no d3, i cant figure out how i would make that fit ur plan lol *smacks forhead*:confused:
what is the just calcium part? u see i have minerall 1 which has d3, herptivite, and i have jurasicall which is no d3, i cant figure out how i would make that fit ur plan lol *smacks forhead*:confused:

Well i would take your:
Jurasical w/ no d3 Mon&Thurs
Herptivite Tues&Fri
Minerall-I Wed&Sat

also buy a calcium that has d3 and rotate it weekly with you Jurasical
use it on wed and saturday. if you dont want to buy another thing of calcium you probablly dont need to. just use the scheduel i had posted earlier. that should cover a large portion of you supplement scheduel.
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