First chameleon...maybe

So i went to Lowe's and got 2 more plants, the dome light, and a timer. PetSmart for the calcium and bendable branch.

Looking good I'd get a Arcadia lamp from light your reptile if your looking to save money those lamps last a year compared to 6 months.
I haven't thought the expense is too great except for food. It's crazy that you can spend several dollars a day on crickets alone. Some of the other food prices make me hyperventilate
I haven't thought the expense is too great except for food. It's crazy that you can spend several dollars a day on crickets alone. Some of the other food prices make me hyperventilate

The one good thing is that I have a buddy who breeds beardeds so he has food too.
So I have went ahead and ordered the quad T5 HO lights from lightyourreptile and a misting system by CliMist. Once I get those set up and running, I'll request my new panther cham. :)
My buddy 2 streets over has dubia roaches and wax worms that I plan on getting from and I might try my hand at crickets.

If you only plan on feeding roaches once in a while, and you might try crickets, what are planning on feeding for a staple? Chameleons need a large variety of food items so you'll have to get comfortable with them if your pet is going to survive.
I'm planning on raising roaches myself and will try with crickets too. He's going to help set me up. That's this coming weekend's planned stuff to do.
Roaches are great for your chameleon and they don't smell like crickets. If you are grossed by them, just get nymphs (the adults are the ones that look like roaches) and pretend they are rollie-pollies.
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