New Member
So i read a blog of a member on this forum about taming your chameleon and gaining their trust. I'd never tried to tame my chameleon or anything. I basically just left him alone except for pictures. Well I decided I would try and hand feed him some crickets. I received him from lllreptile and to my knowledge he has never been handfed before, just loose crickets in his enclosure so he can hunt. I wasn't expecting him to take it out of my hands first try and if he did i figured I would be standing there with a cricket between my fingers for quite some time. But I slowly put my hand with the cricket into the enclosure and waited, he was a little skeptical at first but after about a minute he came over and zapped it from hands!!! Very cool! I'm excited to know he isn't too scared of me Heres a video of him hand feeding (sorry for poor quality didn't want to have it up in his face, and the lighting was kind of ruining the shot lol) if you want to check it out: