I just received my first mist king yesterday. I was wondering if anyone has put a fishtank heater in the water resiviour to always have a warm shower for my chameleon? Good or bad idea?
Some folks have done it, but (most times) its been shown to increase the temperature of the water by the time it hits the misting nozzle by only a degree or two. Plus, a tank heater makes the water warm, thus a perfect environment for algae or bacteria to (quickly) grow.
Ok thanks it sounded like a good idea, but I didn't think about how fast the water would loose temperature going through the tubing. Also I didn't even think about algae growth caused by the heat. Thank you!!! I love this forum. It's a HUGE help to new chameleon owners like myself.
I have played with this idea a little bit...an aquarium heater won't get the water much warmer than say 90 degrees. My tap water at home is about 130-135 degrees. Our pain threshold is somewhere 135-140 degrees. So, with that being said I put hot 130+ degree water in my Mist King reservoir and turned it on. Water was STILL cool to the touch, or at least my touch. I don't think there is much reason to use an aquarium heater, but this is my own little experiment. Possibly if you used 160 degree water, it would increase the mist temp enough that chameleons wouldn't go for cover, these higher water temps MIGHT inhibit algae/bacteria growth also.....