flies and gnats?


New Member
It seems like there are a bunch of little flies or gnats in my cage now. Occasionally, large skinny flies with long legs pops up and I kill them. Anyone know where they come from or how to get rid of them??
Long and skinny like black soldier fly? Do you feed repti or aka calci worms? I get the gnats also, they drive me crazy!
Have you been feeding repti-worms? The long skinny flies could be black soldier flies (what repti-worms turn in to). If that is what they are, leave them there, chams love them.:)
I get gnats from my potted plants. My cham actually makes a trip daily down to the base of his umbrella tree to pick off gnats. I can't see how they'd make much of a meal to him, but it's part of his routine.
they are are a brown color with long legs. the little tiny gnats are all over my room though. one is in my face while I am typing....i have had like 3 fly up my nose in the past week. i cant STAND it!! i have just been feeding crickets with some wax worms every so often
As for the gnats in your room, cider vinegar left in a glass will attract them, then they drown. I'd close the door and change the vinegar daily.
As for the gnats in your room, cider vinegar left in a glass will attract them, then they drown. I'd close the door and change the vinegar daily.

That's what I have been doing with regular vinegar it works pretty good, I will try the cider and see if it is better :)
Someone here like a week ago said why this happens and im sorry I cannot give credit where credit is due...
but they said it was from using organic soil when you prepare a plant
And to use... ahh cr*p, this old age sucks. It was on the tip of my tongue :mad:
I will go look for the type of soil to use. Washed maybe?
Help I've fallen and I can't get up!!!
well i got some apple cider vinager and put 2 cups in my room. i was trying to kill a big one in my cage and it stopped right in front of Crashes head and he snatched it up. i guess he will help with the extermination process lol
Someone here like a week ago said why this happens and im sorry I cannot give credit where credit is due...
but they said it was from using organic soil when you prepare a plant
And to use... ahh cr*p, this old age sucks. It was on the tip of my tongue :mad:
I will go look for the type of soil to use. Washed maybe?
Help I've fallen and I can't get up!!!

Lmao Anne, your NOT that old!!! When it comes to you let me know lol, I do use organic soil :eek:
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