Flightless fruit flies


New Member
Calling all flightless fruit fly experts.

I want to start a colony and have read multiple threads. However I would like to ask everyone for some tips and tricks on starting a colony to feed new borns.

Specifically. What media does everyone use? Homemade? Store bought? Tips on not letting those little guys get out!

Thanks in advance

This mantis site has all you need. The deli cups with cloth lids are what you want for producing a steady supply. You can also choose from several different media.


I agree- I just ordered yesterday :) to get them out- I cut one of the circles out of the lid - and poke a sponge in it- then when I need to feed them out, I take out the sponge, and that way only 1,000 get out at one time instead of a million :p - just kidding, but really, if you do it that way, you do not have to remove the whole lid , so only a few at a time come out- and you can just "poof" them off or tip it sideways and tap out what you need :)

After looking through the site I found everything I want except for the fruit fly media? Not sure if I'm missing it, or if it called something else?

try Josh frogs maybe- I get mine from a friend who picks it up at the shows for me - so I have never ordered it - but any of the sponsor's who sell f/f I would think would sell the media - mine is from Rainforest Junky's - all you do is add water to it-
I make my own media and find it's easier and possibly cheaper (I haven't actually priced it out, but everything you need is mostly simple household items.). My recipe is as follows:

~6 cups potato flakes- I just buy the big box; I think it's acutally 6 2/3 cups.
2 cups brewers yeast- This isn't the active baker's yeast that is commonly available. Brewer's yeast is used as a protein supplement and is more likely to be found at a healthy foods store, whole foods, etc.
1 cup powdered sugar

I mix this all up in a gallon Ziploc and use when I need it.

When I go to make a culture, I take:

1/2 cup dry mix
1/2 cup warm water
1/4 vinegar

and mix it in one of the deli culture cups. Fold up some coffee filters or use excelsior material for the flies to climb on and throw it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Once it cools, add your flies. In two weeks, you should be producing your own.
I make my own media and find it's easier and possibly cheaper (I haven't actually priced it out, but everything you need is mostly simple household items.). My recipe is as follows:

~6 cups potato flakes- I just buy the big box; I think it's acutally 6 2/3 cups.
2 cups brewers yeast- This isn't the active baker's yeast that is commonly available. Brewer's yeast is used as a protein supplement and is more likely to be found at a healthy foods store, whole foods, etc.
1 cup powdered sugar

I mix this all up in a gallon Ziploc and use when I need it.

When I go to make a culture, I take:

1/2 cup dry mix
1/2 cup warm water
1/4 vinegar

and mix it in one of the deli culture cups. Fold up some coffee filters or use excelsior material for the flies to climb on and throw it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Once it cools, add your flies. In two weeks, you should be producing your own.

is the brewers yeast like flour ? I do not bake ( only when I am upset at my family- lol then I make them eat it :p )

the yeast I add, comes in a tiny pouch - what type of pkg would this look like? ty for this info - I am about out, and want to try this :D

* also - the vinegar- is that white, or the apple kind or does it not matter ? I know its to keep the mold out-
is the brewers yeast like flour ? I do not bake ( only when I am upset at my family- lol then I make them eat it :p )

the yeast I add, comes in a tiny pouch - what type of pkg would this look like? ty for this info - I am about out, and want to try this :D

* also - the vinegar- is that white, or the apple kind or does it not matter ? I know its to keep the mold out-

Yeah, the yeast is similar to a powder or flake. This isn't the active yeast sold in packets or jars that is used for baking (I think the brand name is Fleischmann's?). This stuff is used as a protein supplement and usually come in a cylindrical cardboard container. Brewer's yeast is actually the leftover yeast cells that are scraped off of beer vats.

I'm not sure the type of vinegar matters. I've always just used the cheapest I can find and have only ever used white. The sole purpose of the vinegar is to lower the pH of the culture to lessen mold. Methylparaben can also be used in place of vinegar.
I make my own media and find it's easier and possibly cheaper (I haven't actually priced it out, but everything you need is mostly simple household items.). My recipe is as follows:

~6 cups potato flakes- I just buy the big box; I think it's acutally 6 2/3 cups.
2 cups brewers yeast- This isn't the active baker's yeast that is commonly available. Brewer's yeast is used as a protein supplement and is more likely to be found at a healthy foods store, whole foods, etc.
1 cup powdered sugar

I mix this all up in a gallon Ziploc and use when I need it.

When I go to make a culture, I take:

1/2 cup dry mix
1/2 cup warm water
1/4 vinegar

and mix it in one of the deli culture cups. Fold up some coffee filters or use excelsior material for the flies to climb on and throw it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Once it cools, add your flies. In two weeks, you should be producing your own.

I make 10 plus cultures every week or so and will have to try your recipe for the media!!! Thanks for the info!!!
The person i get all my fruit flies from uses repashy super fly media culture only. he swears by it. i have had cultures i brought home from him last up to 6 weeks without any work. they kept multiplying no problem. There would be like at least a hundred everyday available. good luck and enjoy the escapees.
Kyle if you need some of the cups with the cloth's lids now I can bring a few for you on Sunday.

Kyle if you need some of the cups with the cloth's lids now I can bring a few for you on Sunday.


Thanks Carl. I dont need them right now though. Not gonna have babies for quite some time yet, but just wanted to make sure I have everything in order before that day comes! Thanks!
I like using them for houseflies too! They come in handy for hatching mantis, sticks, and culturing waxworm's.

I make 10 plus cultures every week or so and will have to try your recipe for the media!!! Thanks for the info!!!

No problem! Hope it helps. I don't make nearly as many as you (nor do I envy anyone who has to make that many...it's the only unenjoyable part about my frogs), but having the culture media handy at all times is a real benefit. That way, you don't have to worry about being lax and forgetting to order media when you really need to make new cultures. At worst, you can just run to the store.

I've also heard the Repashy media is very high quality, and six weeks is very good for consistent production. My cultures regularly produce for a month and would likely go a bit longer, but I cut them off there. The longer cultures are allowed to produce, the smaller the flies and also the greater the chance for mites.
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