I would love to come but with a bunch of babies, my hubby would kill me if I went anywhere. That is way more feeding than he wants to do. He seems to think my room full of cham. dragons and uros are enough to deal wit!!! Not a true herper!
I am flying down for the show in Daytona in Aug. Who is going to that? We could have a monthly meeting at my condo and try to get Chris Anderson to talk.
If I can get 10 or 12 to commit, I was going to ask our chameleon vet...... if we could have our first meeting at his office in Orlando and if he'd be our guest speaker.......but just don't think enough FL people are interested. Had thought maybe each month we could rotate to a different location.......maybe West Plam one month (that's close to me) and maybe Tampa one month, Ft. Lauderdale one month and so on.......where ever the members could find us a place to meet. Naomi (Bocajan) said she has a place we could meet in Boca Raton. I was thinking the 3rd Saturday afternoon of each month. I picked Sat. because most of us will have a drive....maybe we could car pool.
cool lol my parents will be like who knows if they are safe but they are hard to convince maybe we can meet at like a local petsmart because like i can go there and meet all of u there its like 4 minutes away from me and i can go by myself like bocajan and lizardlover can come down and other people from florida i can ask the store if they can do this. Go on petsmart.com and go on store locations and type in boca raton or zipcode 33428 and click on the store located on state road 7
yeah cool, that may be good. or we could always do it at one of our houses, mines available, but you wont see all of my collection (just 2/3 of it, my parents are divorced and i have my chams in seperate houses)
although your the only one that we would meet, Naomi and i have met a few times actually.