Fluxlizard Juvi Melleri Keepers UNITE!

Just wondering how everyone is doing that purchased one of Fluxlizards CBB melleri. I figured we should all post a photo or two if ya have some. If you don't have a picture, what are you waiting for?!

I didn't have a name for my little guy for a while. After some thinking I came up with the name Jaimee. Here he/she is!

Took this yesterday.


Here is another one from a couple of days after I got Jaimee.

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Nice baby mellers! Are you keeping your babies in the same cage or seperate? Seven total you have got some serious space requirements as your (Mellers) guys love to cruise.
I have two of them being housed together at the moment. I tried seperating them but they were both very stressed. They have to sleep touching each other. I'll post pics of them in a couple hours. They have grown quite a bit and are doing very well. They are loving the wild caught grasshoppers, mantis, dragonflies, and stick bugs I'm catching for them.
Nice pics but lets see the size differences! I'm on my iPhone but when I get home I'll post pics of mine. My dude is on the younger side of the clutch. Have you sexd' yours yet?
Nice pics but lets see the size differences!

I can get a full body shot in a bit. With the shortage of crickets I haven't been letting my chams gorge. Plus melleri, even young ones, shouldn't stuff their faces, like veileds. In other words, I wouldn't be shocked or even worried that Jaimee isn't as big as others. Although he has grown well since I got him. :)

Have you sexd' yours yet?

Have you? :confused: How did you have your melleri sexed? :confused:
I can get a full body shot in a bit. With the shortage of crickets I haven't been letting my chams gorge. Plus melleri, even young ones, shouldn't stuff their faces, like veileds. In other words, I wouldn't be shocked or even worried that Jaimee isn't as big as others. Although he has grown well since I got him. :)

Have you? :confused: How did you have your melleri sexed? :confused:

I have cut back a lot on feeding too. Mine has grown but not much.

I have not sexed mine I just call mine a "he" all the time. Do males "head bob" at females like panthers and others do? Would a male and a female flare up the same towards a mirror?

I am going to try and take some pics right now and I'll post them soon! :D
This is Randy a couple days after she/he arrived. Randy was a smidge under 4 1/2 inches and weighed 10.5 grams


This is my little string bean now. She/he is just shy of 5 1/2 inches and weighs 29.5 grams



Randy always seems to be shedding when it is picture time :rolleyes:

I don't let her gorge either.

I'm glad you started this thread!
I have cut back a lot on feeding too. Mine has grown but not much.

I have not sexed mine I just call mine a "he" all the time. Do males "head bob" at females like panthers and others do? Would a male and a female flare up the same towards a mirror?

I am going to try and take some pics right now and I'll post them soon! :D

OK... I said what I said about sexing because it isn't something you really can do. It is possible... but the vet would have to be trained on how it is done with this species.... which means he'd have done it a lot. This would be hard since there are not many melleri in captivity... or not enough that one vet would see enough to really have a knack for the procedure. I say this because it is a very sensitive procedure (from my knowledge of it). If the vet messed up, the animal could be injured badly. It has been said to me that it is not worth the risk to have a vet attempt to sex a melleri.

Kristina talks about it on the MD site.

Personally I just look at my melleri and how the behave and I guess what they are. So far I've been right... well most of the time. It isn't a true science to identify male or female. The reason melleri look the same might be due to their social structure. Females look like males, so a male can't dominate her and take her feeding grounds away. if the male thinks shes another male.... she keeps her feeding grounds. In general females are the dominate ones. Males generally get their butts kicked during courtship... not hurt, but the females tend to push them around and let them know who is boss before they will mate. I see this with Lenny (female) and Sam (male). I don't know if they have mated, but they live in the same free range and Lenny seems to strike fear in Sam's eyes. He likes to fire up and tell her to bug off, but in the end Sam ends up losing.

I think the best way to tell if you have a male or female is to watch them poop. After melleri are a couple of years old, a male should show his hemipenis when defecating. This is how I determined Sam and Henry as males... I don't ACTUALLY know for sure.... but I am pretty sure of it.
MY little melleri...

Here's one of my little "It's" Lol :) I believe I have a male and female based on behavior so far. No to mention my smaller one has a significantly thicker tail based in both width and height. "He" is very clingy as well following my larger baby around everywhere. When they sleep they have to be touching each other or at least within an inch of each other. It is adorable. My bigger one that is believed to be female is currently just under 10 inches from nose to tail tip. Here's a Pic of "Her" There is about another 1/2in. or more of tail wrapped around my finger. They are both as friendly as can be but my littler supposed male was in the middle of eating a mantis and I did not want to disturb him. I am surprised by how easily they can devour 2-3in. long mantis and how quickly they eat them. He ate 5 of them in one sitting, not to mention 3 grasshoppers earlier today. The bigger "female" love mantis but goes nuts for dragonflies and stickbugs so she ate her fill earlier today. The second picture is a partial pic of their outdoor paradise. Its a 4ft tall screen cage at the moment loaded with plants and it gets partial sunlight nearly all day in about half the cage. I believe that keeping them outside here in michigan has really helped their growth along with the wild caught food. I couldn't be more impressed with the species as a whole as these are my first melleri. I'm glad to see everybody else's melleri are doing great as well.



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Great pics, guys! I will have to take some better pics - only after I get a manicure. I broke 3 nails over the weekend and heaven forbid I don't have a perfectly manicured hand when taking the pics!! LOL... :D
LOL! I know you have to have perfect fingernails or you'll get torn apart on this forum :)

ha ha ha....yeah, I just said that because another forum member commented to me recently about how it was funny that in all of my pics of my chams, my hand is "well-manicured". I would hate to disappoint. :D:rolleyes:
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