Follicular Stasis...Help!!

Good to hear that she laid the eggs!

I'm no expert but I was pretty sure they were past being follicles. I'm also not surprised that she had a larger number than the last clutch because I think she should have laid eggs around the beginning of November (if my calculations are right) so that clutch may have been laid along with the one that should have been laid after the mating. Who knows??

Just glad that it had a good ending! Hope next time will be easier!

What happened with the eggs? Are you incubating them?
Eric- Yes, she is the one we got from you, and she is beautiful. Her genes with our Miguel will outstanding! After reading what you said about temps, that made sense to me. Temps have been lower given the time of year which might have caused this delay.

Yes, we are incubating the eggs, it has been 13 days since they were layed and they all still look good. As I mentioned, she laid one obviously bad egg but we have our fingers crossed for the rest. I'm just really glad I went with my gut on this one and didn't take either vet as certainty.
I am also glad to hear of the good outcome for your girl. She defies the odds! Statistically speaking a lot of them do not end that way...when eggs have been sitting in the repro tract that long they often become necrotic or adheared to surrounding tissue and can't be passed.

I hope all goes well with the eggs and that future clutches are passed without complication. Again, glad that everything worked out :)
I was wondering if that was her. Good to hear she's better. The females turned out spectacular in that clutch. I have one of them (who's recovering from a bad case of UVB bulb induced eye problems) who is really big for a female and has colors better than may males.

I plan on mating her with my Florida WC veiled as soon as I feel she's up to it. He's about 18-19" long, with great colors and a giant casque. While he's only an inch longer than my previous male, he's twice the size. A massive, heavy animal. And mean as hell. God is he evil. Hates my guts. I've yet to see him eat. Wont' even drink in front of me...

Its always so nice to hear success stories! Congratulations on her second clutch, and on having the persistance to stick with your instinct! Its so wonderful to hear a good outcome every now and then!:D
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