For those of you who ship...?


Established Member
For those of you who ship chameleons and live animals do you make customers sign for the package to receive or no? What's the best method?
When i ship i do make customers sigh for the package. that way i no they were home to get the live animal and make sure it is doing alright. Also it depends on the animall I'm shipping, meaning what company i use to ship.
I don't ship live animals - I ship other things as part of my job- and have gotten one chameleon shipped to me - I like "hold for pick-up" Fed Ex & UPS both have it - with UPS I had to go on-line after the package was shipped and put in a request to hold. Fed Ex you ship to a Fed Ex staffed location. For both they have customer service departments and I have called them and asked them- they get paid to answer my silly questions. With live animals it keeps them from being bounced around on a delivery truck. It also saves having the worry about the driver knocking on the wrong door. With Fed Ex keep an eye on what weather is expected in Memphis-
One of the sponsors here is "Ship Your Reptiles" and I've heard good things about them also -
There was one thread where a member got some live animals where the "reptile bags" were not inside out and the reptiles were injured- from what I understand "Ship Your Reptiles" sends you the proper packaging and instructions plus any heat or cold packs- and provides insurance. I don't know how much stress the trip chameleon was for the chameleon - but the process stressed me out quite a bit- knowing I could pick up my little one worked great -
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I like to require a signature as well if it's going to someone's front door and depending on the weather (if it's really hot or really cold) I do the hold for pick-up at the Fedex hub as well.
If I do request them to sign for it and they're not there to do so what happens to the package? Does it get sent back to me or can they pick it up at the fedex hub? Or does it sit there overnight to be resorted and picked up the following day?

Sorry for the in depth questions I just want to make sure when I ship I do it perfect.
i require signatures if the weather is safe enough to get delivered to the door. if they're not there to sign, fedex will take it back to the hub to be picked up the next day. i get notifications if there's been any kind of "exception" for delivery and i'm on the phone immediately w/ fedex. 99% of the time, they turn around and deliver the animal to the recipient.
i require signatures if the weather is safe enough to get delivered to the door. if they're not there to sign, fedex will take it back to the hub to be picked up the next day. i get notifications if there's been any kind of "exception" for delivery and i'm on the phone immediately w/ fedex. 99% of the time, they turn around and deliver the animal to the recipient.

Ok thank you. When they "turn around and deliver the animal to the recipient" is that same day or next day? Also how do you persuade them to do that? lol
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