- Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, about 5 months not sure. Sex unsure. Had it for about 2 weeks.
- Handling - Every couple of days for a few minutes.
- Feeding - small crickets and wax worms. Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday crickets and rest are worms. Monday and Friday are Calcium and vitamins Monday every 2 weeks.
- Supplements - Nutribal and calidust
- Watering - a plant mister for about 30 seconds every few hours.
- Fecal Description - Sometimes brown and has a small white part with orange parts on it
- History - in
Cage Info:
- Cage Type - exo terra small extra tall.
- Lighting - Exo terra day and night reflector with pro rep 60w bulb. Exo terra small canopy2x uvb bulbs 5.0
- Temperature - 30°c near the top
- Humidity - not sure
- Plants - Devils ivy on a thatch like pole and some twisted willow.
- Placement - on top of my draws away from window. 2 metres is the top.
- Location - south east United Kingdom.
Current Problem - Chewing something in corner of cage. Black spot on nose. If someone could tell gender please. Only young tough.