Free Range Day 2


New Member
Here is the new free range area that my husband and I set up for our chameleons. We aren't quite done yet, but we are loving it already. As you can see from the pictures we have an awesome view of our chams both inside and out.


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what are the plastic tubs hanging by chains for?:cool:

They're the food bins. 2 of the buckets have crickets and the other 2 have roaches. We screwed hooks in the ends of the tubs so that we can easily clean them. So far they are eating good out of them.
Thanks everyone! We are all enjoying the free range. We got the porch insulated just in time as it was 67 when we woke up this morning.
Im still trying to find a good system to keep my crickets in. I have already made 2 DIY jug containers and the crickets still get out....drives me nuts...especially since i dont think he has been eating recently. I have even put food for the crickets in the jugs and they still want to bail and hide in my mopani wood. Do your crickets make a jump for it?? If not...then i will try yet another container.
I used to just use one of these when I had my panthers free ranging. It was a 55L tub, I think, and I simply had branches running across the top and the panthers would pick the crickets off the egg crates. It made them work their tongue too, since they couldn't just shoot from 5" away.

Try something deeper if you're having trouble keeping them in. I never had escapees.

I am going to give it a try! I havent seem percy strike 5" since he was a wee lad though. He has lazy tongue syndrom! :p
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