free range feeding


New Member
Any thoughts on the best place to dump the crickets to stay on the plants?. Some end up on the bottom and drown if there is a puddle or scoot into the corners of the screen. I'd like them to stay in the ficus's so my juvenile PC can hunt, which he loves to do. He also eats from my hand. I was thinking about dumping them at the plant base... maybe they will climb?

thoughts? or is it just a crap shoot?

Any thoughts on the best place to dump the crickets to stay on the plants?. Some end up on the bottom and drown if there is a puddle or scoot into the corners of the screen. I'd like them to stay in the ficus's so my juvenile PC can hunt, which he loves to do. He also eats from my hand. I was thinking about dumping them at the plant base... maybe they will climb?

thoughts? or is it just a crap shoot?


i cup feed my free long as you only put a few crix in the cup at a time..they usually wont jump out..but you will get stragglers..
I prefer not to cup feed. just seeing if anyone has place to dump the crickets other than the tops of the leaves and see where they end up. Maybe start them at base of plants?
I prefer not to cup feed. just seeing if anyone has place to dump the crickets other than the tops of the leaves and see where they end up. Maybe start them at base of plants?

ya if you hate the look of a cup just sitting in a pretty tree..for some free rangers, i have used plastic sheeting to make a circle around the outside of the pot(so its esentially clear walls the crix cant climb) but they will eventually climb the stem instead and wonder around in the tree..some jump, but not all of them..they usually climb to the basking spot where its warm..perfect place for the chams to eat..
So far, my Panther hates the cup and climbs to the opposite end of the cage when I put it in. He will eat from tweezers which surprises me and makes it easy for me to make sure he's getting his dosage of Rep Cal. Mine loves to hunt, too. In fact, I was holding a cricket in the middle of the cage and he climbed right past it and shot his tongue at another cricket that was near by. Then, he just looked at me -.- and puffed up 0.0
So far, my Panther hates the cup and climbs to the opposite end of the cage when I put it in. He will eat from tweezers which surprises me and makes it easy for me to make sure he's getting his dosage of Rep Cal. Mine loves to hunt, too. In fact, I was holding a cricket in the middle of the cage and he climbed right past it and shot his tongue at another cricket that was near by. Then, he just looked at me -.- and puffed up 0.0

haha.too funny..ya my male loves the cup, female hates it..
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