New Member
Well my mellers has been unhappy being caged so obviously he was wild caught. He comes to the door to be let out and when I do is happiest loose. He has been checked out by the vet and all that could stuff incase anyone asks. Anyhow he is happiest free ranged in my bedroom where he is kept and so I have given him that the passed few days. My question is what set up should I design in a small area for him to be happy loose? Right now he climbs/sleeps on the other cages and sits in my window basking or sleeps there at night. I have his vine out for him and things to sit on but he does what he wants. I was thinking of getting a fake ficus for my corner "I have wood floors" and then some vines strung up in the room corner. Should I keep his cage for feeding him though or sell it off? Any help with this is appreciated. I want him to be happy so with that not he is a free ranger now!