My male nosy faly, approx 9 months old, has become a very fussy eater. He'll only eat crickets or hoppers if he's very hungry, I try offering them to him first and usually he'll eat the odd one.
He adores worms, I've currently got butterworms, waxworms and calciworms. I know butterworms and waxworms are only suitable as a treat so I was wondering if there are any other worms that are suitable as a staple? He's not all that interested in the calciworms anymore as they aren't very big.
I've also had a few silkworms in the past but I'm not very fond on keeping them in bulk...
He adores worms, I've currently got butterworms, waxworms and calciworms. I know butterworms and waxworms are only suitable as a treat so I was wondering if there are any other worms that are suitable as a staple? He's not all that interested in the calciworms anymore as they aren't very big.
I've also had a few silkworms in the past but I'm not very fond on keeping them in bulk...