Genetically modified cattle produce human breast milk

It doesn't matter if you do or don't like milk, that research is unsettling on so many levels. It is also a perfect example of today's human race.
You can buy these at the asian market with chicks in them!
Syn- very funny- now imagine that jug o milk is full of human breastmilk, cause that is what they want to do with these cows in the future, for your health of course!
I've wanted to try one of those but have been talked out of it each time... :(

I'll try to not think about it. :rolleyes::D
You aren't eating a fetus when you eat eggs. They are not fertilized and in many instances there are not even roosters in contact with females. The only time you are eating a fetus is when you purchase fertilized eggs.

Milk is gross, eggs are gross, soymilk is gross, ice cream is blah, but I like cheese. I dont like chocolate either. In fact, I dont even really like anything that is sweet except juice/fruits. Maybe the occasional peanut butter cookie. :)
I do find he whole genetically modified thing disturbing in a big way. I don't have any problem drinking milk or eating eggs (mmm French toast!) I do find it disturbing thinking about the animals they come from being farmed with growth hormones and unnecessary antibiotics and being stuffed fat full with unnatural and probably also genetically modified and probably pesticide covered corn.
I imagine the point of the cow GM experiment was not to provide human milk for US grownups to drink, but for babies as an alternative to formula. That sounds less creepy.
But as for making cow milk healthier for US, they should quit changingtheir dna & just try letting the cows eat some damn grass, like they're supposed to.
I will continue to get farm milk (pasteurized but not homogenized) , eggs, meats, and produce from our local NOVA farms as always lol. This is the only way I can rest assure that none of the dairy, meats or foods are injected with hormones etc or sprayed with those yucky pesticides! Really hardly have to buy very much at the local grocery store thanks to the abundance of our local farmers:). Though the article is weird to say the least!:eek:
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