getting desperate

I agree with Jan and Jessica. My panther loves houseflies and fruit flies. At 3 months old I doubt he is too big for fruit flies, and you can hopefully get these at your local pet store (unlike houseflies which you have to order). I know they have them at Petco where I live. Also you might try small silkworms too! I recommend Mulberry Farms for them.
The wax worms are really large, but I will try it! I will also pick up some fruit flies! How do you feed these?
Also, I was advised against switching to a smaller cage by the breeder since he is very active in his cage, has found where the water drips, a favorite basking spot, and sleeping area! Is this correct or should I put him in a smaller cage?
Also, I was advised against switching to a smaller cage by the breeder since he is very active in his cage, has found where the water drips, a favorite basking spot, and sleeping area! Is this correct or should I put him in a smaller cage?

What size cage do you have?
Thats what i would do. Or I'd make my own baby tub as others have said. But you can always use the reptibreeze as a temp cage or transport cage on vet trips. You can always find a use for em.
hah, no doubt! an extra repibreeze is always a good thing. i would definately try to see if hes willing to eat in a smaller tub before you go buy one tho. some will eat in a seperate feeding tub. its really worth a shot. if you wanna try something quick that might get him eating is to squish the crix onto the vine so they are stuck to it but still half alive. the cham will examine the bug hard but the antenna twitch will probably trigger a strike. this is just a for a day or 2suggestion untill you can get hi into something smaller.
ok, so I could not decide wether or not to buy him a smaller enclosure, as it seems he is just starting to get comfy in his enclosure.
I did get fruit flies, but they must all be dead, as there is not one alive in the two tubes that I bought. So I will return them tomorrow and try again.
I also bought the larger waxworms, although I think they might be to big, I will try to feed him these.

If people REALLY think I need a smaller cage I will buy it tomorrow, I was on the fence as it has only been a week and a half in his cage now..... but I WILL if people think 16x16x30 is definalty to big?!
ok, so I could not decide wether or not to buy him a smaller enclosure, as it seems he is just starting to get comfy in his enclosure.
I did get fruit flies, but they must all be dead, as there is not one alive in the two tubes that I bought. So I will return them tomorrow and try again.
I also bought the larger waxworms, although I think they might be to big, I will try to feed him these.

If people REALLY think I need a smaller cage I will buy it tomorrow, I was on the fence as it has only been a week and a half in his cage now..... but I WILL if people think 16x16x30 is definalty to big?!

I put my baby cham in his adult enclosure when he was 3 months and he does fine. (I did mesh the bottom half though just incase he fell but I don't use it anymore and he is now 5 months)
I did make my own little cup though so I just placed it against the wall just under his favourite basking vine and that worked a treat. I just put some worms in there and once he noticed them in there, he started realising that there was a food source in this little thing lol.
I wish that would work here, can't get him to care about a dish...

Well I had the same problem as you too.. so I initially just put locusts and worms on the vines that he was on and just walked away enough so that he couldn't see me anymore and he would always eat it.

He still won't eat in front of me so maybe your cham doesn't like you watching either
all the fruit flies I got had died..... I returned and got 15 pinhead crickets and dumped them all in on free roam, hopefully he will eat without having to switch to a smaller cage!!!
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