getting desperate


New Member
Hey guys, I have been posting alot and I am sorry.
While my little cham seems to be getting comfortable in his new home, he has not eaten more than 3 or 4 crickets in a week, and is refusing to eat phoneix worms.
I am beginning to get desperate for him to eat. His is around 3 months, and I am getting worried that 1 and a half weeks is to long for a growing cham to go without eating very much!
Any ideas????
How new is he? He may just be getting use to everything. Um give him time and constantly offer him food. Do you have some kind of container in the cage to put crickets in when your not around?
yea, he will not eat out of it. So far he has only eaten a few on free roam.

Um I would suggest putting the container under his favorite bask and put so many crickets in it. Check on it every so many hours and see if any are missing. Try to not pass him or bother him. Just leave them in there and try cup feeding by holding a container to him

Just because he has eaten free ranged doesn't mean he has unless you seen him...crickets will hide
What size crickest are you offering him? They might be too big. Have you tried fruit flies? He'd probably like those.
yes, he is 3 months and I offer small crickets. I have seen him eat about 4 or 5 in free range.
I usually put 10 in a cup under his favorite spot, only to empty 10 out at the end of the day. I have also tried the phoniex worms, in the cup, on a leaf, with tweezers, and in a cup that I hold. so far he has not eaten one of those.
I do not know what to do to get him to eat more.... he has acclimated well in a quiet room in my house, and roams around and drinks plenty, but no eating really....
Just free range the crickets.
Phoenix worms are a waste of time ... he will probably never eat one.
Waxworms, however ... irresistible!
Just place them on branches. Several people will now tell you they are too fatty, but for a baby that hasn't eaten much lately, I would have no problem stimulating his appetite with them.

If fruit flies are small then he'll just eat more of them. Right now you need to just try to get him to eat something. I have veiled babies and 4 of them are smaller than the rest and fruit flies seem to be all that they want at the moment.
Just free range the crickets.
Phoenix worms are a waste of time ... he will probably never eat one.
Waxworms, however ... irresistible!
Just place them on branches. Several people will now tell you they are too fatty, but for a baby that hasn't eaten much lately, I would have no problem stimulating his appetite with them.


3 months is too young to be eating so little.....try Brad Ramseys advice with free ranging some crickets and also add some wax worms. They are irresistable! :)

If they dont work try small silk worms as they stick to branches and are slow and will get his attention. I never had success cup feeding and some chams
take to it and others don't. I know with my youngest the movement of crickets really stimulated him to hunt and instincts kicked in. Just make sure they are not left in the cage overnight so they don't have a chance to chew on him when sleeping.

Also going by your previous posts you have only had him for a week and a suggestion is even though he is in a low traffic area, put a
old towel around a few sides of his cage and block his view some what of the outside world. It will make him feel a bit more secure until he settles
in and dont fuss over him and leave him alone as much as possible. My youngest took around 3 weeks to settle in but I got him slightly older so feeding was not an issue. They all take different times to settle in.
Thanks for all the help everyone,
I will get some fruitflies today after work. My girlfriend is going to try to feed pinheads today as well.
Are will need to order anything else, the waxworms in my area are all to big!
Thanks for all the help everyone,
I will get some fruitflies today after work. My girlfriend is going to try to feed pinheads today as well.
Are will need to order anything else, the waxworms in my area are all to big!

Make sure to buy "producing fruit flies" because it takes a long time for the non-producing ones to start producing. Also be sure to get flightless D. Hydei fruit flies.
hey, ive been following your other threads. since your cham perfers free range crix, i would try to to get it in a smaller enclosure. i know it sucks to have to spend the money on something that will be out grown in a couple months but it will definately be beneficial. you could even try a feeding tub. just create a hunting perch. it might work, it might not. the little ones do love fruit flies & house flies too.
hey, ive been following your other threads. since your cham perfers free range crix, i would try to to get it in a smaller enclosure. i know it sucks to have to spend the money on something that will be out grown in a couple months but it will definately be beneficial. you could even try a feeding tub. just create a hunting perch. it might work, it might not. the little ones do love fruit flies & house flies too.

I have not seen your other thread but I agree with pantherlover.....a baby bin might be the way to go until he's bigger and eatting. You can see a baby tub in this thread.
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