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Some how gnats have gotten in the cage I think it's probably from having live plants. But anyway how do you guys get rid of them? Idk where they came from or how they got here but I want them gone :(
I use captain jacks dead bug organic gardening spray. It's safe for your animals. Gnats are more common than you think. You may also want to get organic fungicide because the gnats are feeding on the fungi that grows on the decomposing root matter. I use it for my Benjamin ficus' and my hibiscus. Hope I could help.
We tried several remedies and finally resorted to re-potting all of the plants. The gnats were taking over. I removed all soil and re-potted with a mixture of soil and sand and topped them off with sand and river rocks. The gnats have since disappeared.
What kind of soils did you use?! I wanna repot ASAP and I may use the capt jacks! And what fungicide spray?
Idk but I'm not risking it, plus they annoy me! I got an indoor bug trapper and I ordered organic soil and sand to repot my plants
My gnats got pretty bad and they did seem to be harassing my chameleons. I just used organic soil and play sand. The sand helps the plants drain faster and the sand on top helps prevent the gnats from laying eggs in the soil.

Edit: I also put nematodes in the soil to help prevent future infestation.
You can probably eradicate them w re-potting. They are just hard to get rid of when things aren't totally dry which is why I also added nematodes. I have a gardening supply down the street that sells them cheap.
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