going outdoors

So until I get an outdoor enclosure erected, I am going to put "disco" outdoors in a reptarium. I was just going to use the one I have him in indoors, and move it outback up next to the house. Couple questions though about going outdoor 24/7....Can I do outdoor 24/7? I live in KY, and we are extremly humid and hot in the summer. even the nights. Anyone give me any insight on the safest date to put outside over night in the midwest? you that have outdoor cages, do you have a hose on a timer/mister, or do you water daily, by hand? what if we get a couple storm fronts and the tempature drops for a couple days, and its cloudy and dark a couple days?

Any experence or comments welcome....

Here is disco "acclimating" to outdoor life
As long as the temperature doesn't get to high they should be fine provideing shade and water. Watch the nightime drops also.
I Mist mine with the hose twice a day and more if it's hot. Also avoid the eyes when misting keep a good distance away from the chameleon.
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If you don't mind me asking, where in KY do you live? I'm in Ashland. I've had a few of the same concerns as you. The heat seems ten times more unbearable because of the humidity.

My plan was to start off a little at a time. Leave my Panther outside with supervision for an hour. Then see how that goes, and keep upping the time spent outside. I would supervise for a while just to make sure everything goes smoothly. When you feel comfortable enough, leave him unsupervised for about a half a day. So on and so forth. Just ease your Chameleon into it. Also, watch your D3 supplementation. It gets a little sketchy because he will be getting a lot of sunlight. Maybe someone should comment on how to supplement when your Cham spends a certain amount of time outside.

I have an important question about shade. I have a backyard with a patio and no trees. It's surrounded by a fence so I could safely leave him out there. My front yard isn't secure, but has two trees. Some snot nosed kid could jump out of a car and take my Cham. What should I do to make sure he isn't getting scorched by the sun? Put him half way on the patio, where he can get sun and shade? Sorry to hijack and ask that question. I thought it might benefit both of us. :)
I use a piece of plywood on top of the cage for shade. If it's to hot you can move them to a all shade area or inside if you have air. The plywood stays there the whole time and I move it to provide a basking area in the cage the rest of the cage is shade.
Im up around the florence/Cincinnati area. Was thinking it was still way to cool at nights around here, to do a overnighter. Maybe first part of June?

Anyone ever had problems with rodents, or other critters trying to get into the enclosures?

Im thinking I would still feed crickets, and anything else he found would just be bonus points...
Oh that's cool! I usually take a couple of trips a year to that area. I don't know many KY Cham owners.

What kind of cage do you have? Is the screen fine or larger? I have an LLL Reptile cage and the screen is pretty fine. A few things I do know to watch out for are Lady Bugs and of course Black Widows/Brown Recluse spiders. They can eat most of KY's spiders, as long as it isn't poisonous. Brightly colored bugs usually mean bad idea. We've had a big problem with Stink Bugs this past year, I'm sure those wouldn't taste good at all. I'm not sure if they are harmful, but I would be weary. I'm sure a few others can name off some common harmful bugs. I would be a little weary of setting the cage near a tree because of bugs though. I park my car under our tree, and there is a spider in it every single day I go to leave. I've almost recked freaking out over spiders before. Lol. They are my biggest fear.
lol!!! i luv spiders!

check out my video i posted at the begining of this thread. u should be able to access my channel from there. I have a video of my large reptarium. Thats what i waa going to take out doors.

they cant eat lady bugs? good to know.

i think me and u are the only 2 chameleon owners in this state to be honest B-).

I have a spot at my backdoor that i was going to set the cage. no sun after like 3 or 4 though. do i need a solid 12hrs of sun?
Bump...anyone? Im about to set his cage up for at LEAST 6 hours of direct sun...just making sure its sufficent before doing so.
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