Going to Mulberry Farms and LLL Reptile tomrrow

Hello! Today I am going to LLL and Mulberry Farms. If you are in the LA/OC area and would like me to pickup something for you, let me know!

I will be heading down there around 3pm ish. Don't quote me on the time, I am lazy at times:eek::D.
  • LLL Reptile. There is a sale going on at LLL for cages and ZooMed heat lamps, save on shipping.
  • Mulberry Farms. He always gives me a good deal when I pickup, so feel free to order in larger quantity than you might order online.

I do not mark-up the prices I am given at LLL or Mulberry.... but a gas tip is always welcome :eek:;):D

If you want something pricey like a cage, I would like to meet with you or have the money PayPalled to me before I go. I think it is only fair so that I am not stuck with something pricey I might want.... but can't afford at the moment. Heck, if you wanna go along for the car ride, I don't mind either.

PM me with your order and phone number.
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Hello! Tomorrow I am going to LLL and Mulberry Farms. If you are in the LA/OC area and would like me to pickup something for you, let me know!

I will be heading down there around 3pm ish. Don't quote me on the time, I am lazy at times:eek::D.
  • LLL Reptile. There is a sale going on at LLL for cages and ZooMed heat lamps, save on shipping.
  • Mulberry Farms. He always gives me a good deal when I pickup, so feel free to order in larger quantity than you might order online.

I do not mark-up the prices I am given at LLL or Mulberry.... but a gas tip is always welcome :eek:;):D

If you want something pricey like a cage, I would like to meet with you or have the money PayPalled to me before I go. I think it is only fair so that I am not stuck with something pricey I might want.... but can't afford at the moment. Heck, if you wanna go along for the car ride, I don't mind either.

PM me with your order and phone number.

Kev, I'm sending you a pm.
I'll go with you. I need some cages. I get off of work at 2pm.

Hey Ryan, sorry if this foils your excitement, I am going today... I started this thread "yesterday".... technically today but since I hadn't gone through a 'sleep cycle' I was thinking today was tomorrow, but I meant today.

So to set the record stright, today October 5th 2008 I am going... hahaha sorry
No fair! You guys are SO spoiled, you can just go down to LLL, I'm so jealous! Stupid North Cali has no cool reptile stuff! :(
OK guys, get your orders in. I am going to be taking off in an hour or so. I will get email while i am driving down there, so ya have about two hours to get back to me.
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