Goodbye my sweet girl R.I.P. "M.J."

Ryan Jarosek

New Member
A couple of days ago I found my poor sweet M.J on the floor of her cage almost lifeless barely opening her mouth. She was cold and was almost gone. I held her under a basking light wrapped in a towel and made her as comfortable as possible until she passed. It broke my heart. She will be missed. She was 1.5 years old and so beautiful. She was my second female panther and my first panther to pass.

I wanted to share some pics of her, of some good times and our story of what happened.

She just laid a clutch of 25 beautiful eggs about 2 weeks ago. After she laid she never really started eating again. I found her one day sleeping and without skipping a beat took her to the vet. No retained eggs or complications that the vet could see. I started her on liquid calcium and made sure she was drinking. Nothing I did would get her to eat. We tried providing her some bug juice. She took it eagerly but it was not enough to save her. She actually stopped sleeping during the day and looked great. Then all of a sudden gone.

It would appear that the laying was enough to take it out of her. She was in great health up until the incident.






So sorry man, seeing all these incident and that all have to do with females laying eggs, im worried about my girl shes 6 months and laying her first batch i really hope nothing goes wrong with her!. Again im so sorry hope things get better
Aww, so sad. :( It always brings tears to my eyes when I read about someone losing a cham. It just shocks me how quickly these amazing creatures can pass on. Always seems that they are OK one minute and gone the next. You have special memories and lovely photos of her to look back on. My thoughts are with you.
She was a gorgeous little girl Ryan, so sorry for your loss, you can take some comfort in knowing you provided her with an excellent home while she was with you.

Are the eggs she laid recently fertile? Hopefully she can live on through them
So Sorry........

So sorry about your loss. She was a beautiful girl. Egg laying is very hard on females. She may have suffered some sort of internal trauma during the laying process that would only be detectable after death through a necropsy. You are fortunate to have so many pictures of her that capture her beauty. And she will live on through her offspring :)
She was a gorgeous little girl Ryan, so sorry for your loss, you can take some comfort in knowing you provided her with an excellent home while she was with you.

Are the eggs she laid recently fertile? Hopefully she can live on through them

Thanks everyone, for the kind words.

Yes the eggs are fertile, I have about 49 total eggs from her. 24 of them are just about 3.5 months old. I cannot wait for some of her babies. She really was a sweet girl. She will live on.
Sorry for your loss Ryan, she was a beautiful girl. At least you can take comfort that her memory will live on thru her babies.
I'm so sorry. It's hard to lose them. Females are such sweethearts. Glad she gave you so many eggs to remember her by.
Ryan that is such a loss for you, my heart goes out to you. She was beautiful. The picture of her shedding whlie you held her is great to remember her by.:(
Ryan, I am sure the MJ is in the big chameleon tree in the sky enjoying herself! I know you will miss her terribly.
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So sorry for your loss bro, I just lost two of my girls in one week! They both died during and after the laying process.
MJ's legacy will live on thru those eggs she laid. Lifes not fair and the good always tend to pass too young. Take care of your self Ryan.

Oh :(
sorry for your loss, Ryan.
MJ was a gorgeous panther.
I'm glad that at least she is able to pass on her legacy thru those eggs.
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