Got our new Jacksons


New Member
We finally got our new jacksons. I cant believe how quick I feel in love with him he is totally awesome. Hes about 3" from nose to vent......can anyone give me a estimate on his age? Also I would love to see some pics of adult jacksons. Do we have to use photobucket to post pics?
Congratulations!! would love to see pictures of your new little guy!
No you do not have to use photobucket to post pictures. When you reply on the top line of where you see fonts/ sizes//// You will see a paper clip. click on that and it will guide you on attaching a picture into your reply
heres a few quic pics i took



Dat rostral horn.

Nice! Think a Jackson's will be my next. I've been trying to decide between a Fischer's or Jackson's and yours is nudging me closer to a decision.
Congrats! I got mine from a friend at 7 weeks old and he was just like a teeny tiny dinosaur! Hence his nickname, Montysaurus!:D
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