
I think the thought is maybe it's not a breathing issue, unless his whole body is like... visibly struggling to breathe. Perhaps the constant mouth opening/gaping is indicative of something else. Pain? Discomfort? Yawning?

His open mouth doesn't have any stringy saliva, and if you've not been hearing popping/squeaking or seeing tons of nose upturns, gaping alone isn't *necessarily* a sign of an RI.
I see him breathing with his mouth open. Sometimes he'll open it wider as he's taking a breath in. At times his mouth has had a lot of stringy saliva. Sometimes it has made bubbles in his throat.
It’s been bothering me that there’s no real nose high in the air gaping. I’m wondering if it’s not a respiratory infection but maybe something else….like a kidney issue. I’m not a vet though so I can only guess based on what I think.
Any thoughts on why his gaping stopped at one point during both antibiotics? That's the one thing throwing me off.
This might give some insight. Today I did not mess with him as far as trying to get him to bask or take him outside. All I did was feed him some dubias. He never went to bask and stayed in the lower areas of the cage the whole time. He also never gaped that I know of. I seems that going up to bask might be what triggers the gaping? The confounding variable is the antibiotics he's on that could be working? I feel like this suggests it's not an RI though.
This might give some insight. Today I did not mess with him as far as trying to get him to bask or take him outside. All I did was feed him some dubias. He never went to bask and stayed in the lower areas of the cage the whole time. He also never gaped that I know of. I seems that going up to bask might be what triggers the gaping? The confounding variable is the antibiotics he's on that could be working? I feel like this suggests it's not an RI though.
Going through something similar. My guy had an RI that we did a course of antibiotics for and 12 days later, still gaping and taking big, deep breaths. Some days he has stringy saliva. Other days he doesnt. No nose in the air breathing. I am at a loss. Round 2 of vet visits is today. Up until this morning, he had still been cruising around, eating well, basking and pretty active. Today, it's almost 1pm and he's still tucked in with his tail curled in the lower part of the cage. Eyes open and alert, just not moving around. Hoping the vet has some insight today. I hope your guy is feeling better.
Going through something similar. My guy had an RI that we did a course of antibiotics for and 12 days later, still gaping and taking big, deep breaths. Some days he has stringy saliva. Other days he doesnt. No nose in the air breathing. I am at a loss. Round 2 of vet visits is today. Up until this morning, he had still been cruising around, eating well, basking and pretty active. Today, it's almost 1pm and he's still tucked in with his tail curled in the lower part of the cage. Eyes open and alert, just not moving around. Hoping the vet has some insight today. I hope your guy is feeling better.
Well, my guys seems to have beat the gaping issue. He's just lethargic all a lot. Afternoons he's usually lying around looking sad. Some mornings he gets up but most he just stays where he's at. Despite this, I think he's improving because at least he's mostly awake when he's lying around instead of full-on sleeping. I think the two things that seem to maybe be helping are cold temps with intense fogging at night and getting him outside time.
Glad to hear you're seeing some improvement! I am also fogging like crazy at night because I'm struggling to keep the humidity of his entire enclosure up. He seems to like it though because he tucks in for bed right under the fog. My guy is on his way to the vet as we speak. First time I haven't taken him. The helicopter cham mom part of me is losing her mind right now. Sigh. I hope your little guy continues to improve!
Glad to hear you're seeing some improvement! I am also fogging like crazy at night because I'm struggling to keep the humidity of his entire enclosure up. He seems to like it though because he tucks in for bed right under the fog. My guy is on his way to the vet as we speak. First time I haven't taken him. The helicopter cham mom part of me is losing her mind right now. Sigh. I hope your little guy continues to improve!
Good luck, odds are your issue is probably more straightforward than whatever mystery problem my guy has.
Good luck, odds are your issue is probably more straightforward than whatever mystery problem my guy has.
Thanks! I sure hope so. I hope I'm just being paranoid but at this point I would rather be safe than sorry. I hope your mystery gets solved. Worrying about them is the worst!
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