Yeah, he's doing much better now and has gotten way bigger! I don't think he is 100 percent healthy yet though. I think he will be after his next shed though.
Been a while since I have given an update, and I apologize for that as I have been busy.
Anyways, Waldo has gotten much bigger, and there has been no further problems about the RI so that is completely gone. However, the eye problem never got better, no matter how much i cleaned it. Then I started to notice some gunk was forming over his eye and it became clear to me that this was never just some debris in his eye, but was an eye infection. I started cleaning the gunk from his eye daily until I could get enough money to buy some terramycin. I know, I should have gotten it sooner, but I simply did not have the money.
With me cleaning it everyday, and Waldo being a willing patient, the eye infection never got worse or better but merely stayed the same as I was just cleaning the gunk out. The daily cleanings were not stressful to him, from what I can tell from his behavior and color. He remained calm, and if anything was relieved that I got the gunk out.
Anyways, I finally was able to get enough money for some terramycin and I am now administering that topically, but I have noticed that after I put it on his eye and let him back in his cage he wipes the stuff off.
So, does the terramycin do its job even if it is wiped off in 2 minutes? If not, how can I stop him from wiping it off?
Well, looks like terramycin works wonders, or I managed to keep his eye infection extremely mild as I have seen drastic recovery in his infected eye already and I have only started administering it today.
His eye is much clearer and alert now, with signs of a much improved vison in the infected eye.
Waldo sure is an easy patient too, he stays calm every time I administer it as if he knows I am trying to help.
Anybody else experience such a drastic improvement with only one day of administering terramycin?