Chameleon Enthusiast
I’ve read your Gutloading blog before, it’s tremendous. thank you for putting it together. It influenced my care very early onThere are several papers that suggest that some chameleons regulate their uvb exposure depending on need. So, for example, panther chameleons given no dietary d3, will bask more. There’s a few pertinent articles sites in the bibliography of:
I totally agree that dietary D3 is not entirely necessary for chameleons. I still give RevitalizeD3 once or twice per month to hedge my bets, But it’s the lowest on the market for D3 that I’ve seen
I can’t remember which episode, but Bill Strand mentions some Unpublished data Dr Ferguson received from a colleague that gave a weekly requirement for dietary D3 to prevent MBD (in panthers I think). If I remember correctly, it was 25-30 IU D3 per week. Bill extrapolated from this by weighing out needed to cover “a weeks worth of crickets” and found that a supplement with 20000 IU/lb was required to meet this level of D3 Through the diet. This happens to be the level in Repashy Calcium plus