Chameleon Company
Avid Member
You said..."There seems to be a continuing theme with some that, if they do not experience the problem themselves, then it isn't a credible issue with others"...I don't think I've ever said its not possible....but I have questioned why mine don't show any issues that could be the result a vitamin A deficiency.
That may be a topic others want to pursue elsewhere, but it does nothing for those that have had problems, have them now, or anticipate having them. It is not only "possible", but well documented as a recurring problem with many hobbyists.
You said..."there is much to be said for being pro-active in one's approach rather than try to fix a negative condition once it occurs"...but its also important IMHO not to fix what ain't broken.
If yours "ain't broken", and haven't been broken, then that's great ! More and more folks, to include the best in the business, acknowledge that this is a valid issue. In the work done by Ferguson, Stahl, Tenant, and others, they were able to show a marked improvement between those which were supplemented with pre-formed A, and those that were not. Is not basic calcium and vitamin dusting a pro-active approach to something that "ain't broke" ?
You said..."We also know it wreaks havoc that we often do not see" what?
How about the linings of the lungs, arteries, intestines, etc being compromised ? How about evidence suggesting an emerging role in healthy offspring production ?
You said..."FYI, we have seen it occur with and without D3 supplementation in pardalis"...and no D3 in what was fed to them?
With no additional D3 supplementation. Sheeesh.
You said..."Put another way, what solution or cure have you been able to pass on to others that they could then replicate long-term in statistically significant quantity ? I do not mean that as a slight, just an attempt to define remedies that avoid the problem."...if I don't have any apparent signs of vitamin A deficiency and people keep their chameleons the same way would that not mean that there chameleons shouldn't have vitamin A issues either?
That's a leap, and that's the point. Its not about your animals not having problems, its about what you can pass on to others so that they don't have problems, or that solve problems they now have. We have countless examples of situations that are broken. It is one thing to preach about how you think the problem can be avoided with different gut-loads, etc. But "this is what I do and I don't have a problem" has yet to establish itself as a solution until you can take what you do, teach it to another, and then eliminate the occurance of their problem. What has been shown by others is that direct supplementation with vitamin A can avoid the problem. Multi-generational evidence of this from folks who are well-qualified is on the record.
You said..."If I die, and reincarnate as a pet chameleon, can I be yours"...Hmmm...I only give them bread and water and let them watch TV if they behave properly. (evil grin)