gutload question


New Member
as far as guy load could i just put small piece of vegetable in the cricket cage? or do i have to mix 15 different vegetables together? i was thinking giving the crickets a small pice of carrot or something i mean thats gotta be better then what ever they eat at the pet store or a local reptile store by me sells some green stuff that smells like watermelon candy would that work? does anyone know what that stuff is?
It is very important to give your crickets a good variety of foods. In due time you will learn this. :)
its not that hard!! go to the refrigrator open the door and look for some vegies example: tonight i feed my crickets, orange wedge, baby carrots and char.tommorow the crickets get yams,aspargus and romaine. plus i keep a dish of dry criicket food in with them.
Small Pet Feeders has Cricket Crunch, with over 30 different ingredients including Spirulina, Bee Pollen, Probiotics, Alfalfa, Brewers Yeast, Dry Nutritional Yeast, B Complex, Multivitamin, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium, Azomite (50+ minerals and elements), and lots more I can't remember off the top of my head.

I give my crickets a wide variety of greens and veggies...but rarely all kinds at once....I just select a few and change it each time.
My crickets love the Dino Fuel, no matter what I put in for them they head right over to the Dino Fuel first. not much interest in some greens, an orange wedge, now that's a different story.
Would it be OK to feed the crickets the rejects from making a salad/leftovers?

We have salads with most dinners, and there's always some romaine or onion or carrot, etc, left over.

Is that decent gutload, or an acceptable part of a decent gutload?
this is a interesting topic and after reading it i thought of something they gel hornworm food mix is used as gut load not only for hornworms but crickets and butter worms too how about adding calcium and multi vitamin and a light dusting twice a week and d3 once every other week any thoughts
as far as guy load could i just put small piece of vegetable in the cricket cage? or do i have to mix 15 different vegetables together? i was thinking giving the crickets a small pice of carrot or something i mean thats gotta be better then what ever they eat at the pet store or a local reptile store by me sells some green stuff that smells like watermelon candy would that work? does anyone know what that stuff is?

We choose what to gutload our feeders with based on the deficiencies of each particular feeder in terms of its value for the chameleon.

Carrots clearly would be insufficient too meet all their needs

Check out these links for helpful info:

People with limited experience, very limited time or with heightened fear may do best, at least initially, to use something like the repashy bug burger product. Some people also speak well of Cricket Crack and Dino Feul (I have no experience with these myself).
A combination of something like the repashy burger along with good fresh vegetables, and some seeds and fruits, might be a good way to go for anyone :)
My crickets love the Dino Fuel, no matter what I put in for them they head right over to the Dino Fuel first. not much interest in some greens, an orange wedge, now that's a different story.

You are right. Crickets absolutely love the DinoFuel. As soon as you put it in their bin they head right over. What I suggest you do is put the DinoFuel right on your rinsed, and slightly wet greens. The DinoFuel will stick to the greens and your crickets will eat the greens and DinoFuel right up. Also, keep in mind that even if your insects are only eating DinoFuel, then your crickets are getting a very rich diet. There are no preservatives and the product is all organic with some of the richest ingredients possible. In most cases you will not find ingredients better in any grocery store. You can't go wrong. I just like them to eat a variety of greens plus DinoFuel.
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