

Chameleon Enthusiast
So I have been using Flukers gutload and honestly haven't had an issue but since joining this forum I've seen multiple people say Flukers is a terrible gutload and recommend Cricket Crack instead. I basically want to know how everyone has come to decide that Flukers was an inferior gutload. I need the rationale on why I should switch please.
I can't specifically comment on Flukers gut load being good or bad, but I use Bug Burger... And I use it because Kammerflage Kreations told me to. (y)
I also use Repashy Bug Burger because Kammerflage Kreations recommended it, and they are pretty much the best known breeders in the land!!!
Same for my take on bug burger as recommended by Canvas Chameleons.
I've also used vitall from sticky tongue farms with good success.
Here is the (my) logic from my corner of the world: Commercial gut loads for feeder insects are mostly bran, grass, and grain based. When you look at the ingredients, you will find an absence of many nutrient rich food sources. Look up Sandra Chameleon on the Forum and open her blogs on gut loads, she will open your understanding of using a variety of food sources for your feeder insects.

If you want to see the product list on Cricket Crack, Bug Buffet, and Super Chow, look at my ad in the classifieds under "Chameleon Supplies" titled "Gut Loads and Feeder Insect Supplies," and you will see the quality of those 3 products.

You can make your own dry gut loads and wet gut loads, but Rapashy Bug Burger and these dry gut loads are the standard I would use to look at any commercial gut loads, or making my own.

If you make your own dry gut load, grinding ingredients fine enough is absolutely necessary, and I have had the opportunity to buy 2 far!


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