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Can I gutloading my superworms with earthworms.?? Did anyone try it before?? I would guess they have a lot of protein...
I am gutloading my superworms with something that I'm not sure if anyone has tried before. I feed the dead silkworms to the superworms.... Is that ok??

I figured 2 in 1
Why did the silkworms die?? How long after they die are you feeding them to the superworms?

Why not feed superworms something that they would normally eat instead of trying to feed them something else?
Just feed the supers the same stuff you feed crickets/dubia or whatever else you use. I feed them collards, kale, endive, mustard greens, ect and they eat it really easily. I wouldnt feed dead silkworms they could have osmething wrong witht them.
So just carrots???? Anything else I can use or feed them??

sandra is saying from what u listed, carrots are the really only good thing you have. there are many other good options. just use the search function and find them.
is it true i can feed my cham the yellow dandelions that grow on the backyard. the weeds??

Yes! the green leaves of the dandelion weed are edible by you and your chameleon and crickets. make sure you collect from a place that hasnt used herbicides! Dandelion leaves are something I use a fair bit in my gutloads.
Other options include carrot, as you know, papaya, spirulina, winter squash, kale, romain, mustard greens, sunflower seeds, ....
I believe all true spiders are venom producing and have delivery systems to inject said venom but only a few actually will pose a problem to humans and chameleons if bitten. However why take that chance? There are plenty more appropriate wild caught and commercially bred insects to feed to your chameleon.

I'm willing to offer you $60 for your panther ($10 greater than what you wanted) and have several friends coming from Toronto to Ottawa this weekend who will gladly pick him up for me. As a reminder, here is thread: Let me know.
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