
his feeders dont eat much....potatos, dandelion flowers, silkworms and thats about it maybe some carrots.

he eat crickets and superworms.

mississauga temp around 20-25C
the feeders need variety too. This helps to provide a larger range of vitamins and nutriets to your cham. Try adding some apple, orange, green pepper, strawberry ,etc. Not all at once, but change it up whenever you refill the cricket's food. I put green pepper in there everytime because it removes the cricket stink. Additionally, pick up a proper dry-gutload. I use Flukers High Calcium cricket food for the dry gut load, fruits/veggies (as listed above + plus what you already use) for wet gut load and Flukers Orange Cube for additional water and nutriets. Healthy crickets make for a healthy Cham!

My cham didn't like silkworms either. I ended with a cup full of silkworms that he wouldn't eat. I feed what I could to my frogs, but they weren't crazy about silkworms either. Eventually they all died and I trashed them.

My chame LOVES hornworms though. They're high in caclium, very squishy, and help to hydrate. Plus, they just look cool. You should try finding some that you can order online or see if a pet shop will pick them up for you.

What is your supplementation schedule like?
Ya Ive been lookin for hornworms as well including canadianfeeders and others but there has been an issue with getting a licence to import them from the States.
Why couldn't you have just created a new thread instead of reviving one of the bigger ones that got you into all this crap:confused:
there has been a lot of BS in the past about my ability of raising a healthy cham, so judge for yourself based on these updated pictures...

yea... that dark coloration probably means he is cold as hell.....

Imo Chamster.... just leave this thread to die.... its not even worth commenting on because everyone is kinda T.O @ you at the moment, best to just let everything settle mate.
i tried feeding my crickets cucumber just for curiosity really, all it did is smell like vinegar and kill most of my crickets DONT TRY IT:mad:
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