Had A Bad Scare Today


New Member
So, stupid me, I fed the babies this morning and forgot to put the lid back on the cage. I was caught up coloring my hair and trying to watch my roommates 2 yr old son. When I realized that the lid was off I only saw Zoey. I was like .... "where the heck is Drake!"

The 2 yr old was of no help in finding him. I must have spent an hour tearing the house apart. I thought he was dead somewhere. I wasn't worried about the cats (they love my chams and wouldnt hurt them) it was Jerry I was concerned about. He doesnt really know how to be gentle with small delicate animals. I looked in the fridge and the trash and under stuff. Couldnt find him. Then I thought....Jerry might have picked him up and put him outside. I looked over the balcony and there was Drake outside in the cold grass.

I have no idea how he feel one story and didnt break any bones. I was relieved to have found him safe and sound. That was my scare this morning.
Good lord! That sounds terrifying!! I'm glad he was alright tho!!!
I've thought I've lost Kuzco before, he was on his FR and i left to get a drink, came back and couldn't find him. Tore the room apart & almost had a heart attack, only to find him peeking around the laundry hamper! :eek:

Glad Drake is okay!!:D:D
Lol. They do like to explore when given the chance. Glad that you were able to find Kuzco.

My garter snakes (when I had them) would always escape. My big male Zeus was great at it. Found him in a box of cereal (big surprise in the morning) and wrapped around the handle of the fridge.

I am more vigilant about making sure the lid is on. I might not be so lucky next time.
I have no idea how he feel one story and didnt break any bones.

They inflate, and bounce.

Their main defense against attack is to drop to a lower branch , or the ground.

They also are not very heavy, or dense. So they dont pick up alot of momentum when free falling.

Glad hes ok though.
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