Had to do something.


New Member
Hello all, I've had my baby veiled for a little over a week now, I had her in a glass aquarium and it really bothered me, so yesterday I decided to do something about it. What I wound up doing for the time being was build a screen enclosure attachment for the top of the aquarium. This morning me and my girlfriend set it up for her, and she really seems to like it she loves to climb the screen. I haven't come up with a way to get my thermometer set up in there yet, but I was thinking that it might be a good idea to swap out my 50 watt heat bulb for a 75 watt, because the cage is now double the sizei and half screen. Anyone have an opinion on doing that? I was worried about her not going down to the bottom now for food but shes moving around a lot and still going to the glass half of the cage. Here's a picture of what it looks like now.
I never use a heat bulb on my female. Is it really cold in your house? Females should have a basking temp of 80 or 81.

I had baby veileds recently and this linl below is the info that I provided to the new owners. I have links and pictures and some prices of everything that you need. Hopefully it will help you with your new veiled. I have some additional information at the bottom for the female chameleon which should be handled differently.
central air during the summer so its like 70 if not lower at times, i she likes to hang out by it alot and the temp when it was all glass was 80 degrees by the light now the cage will be much cooler i would assume being that the screen doesnt trap the heat like glass does
central air during the summer so its like 70 if not lower at times, i she likes to hang out by it alot and the temp when it was all glass was 80 degrees by the light now the cage will be much cooler i would assume being that the screen doesnt trap the heat like glass does

How do you measure your temps?
I see you have bowls in there. Not a great idea. Have you filled out the how to ask for help form?
the bowls in there i do not fill with water, theyre for catching water when i mist and holding down the liner.
jann i was reading over your blog again, and i see you say use a uvb bulb and a fluorescent for females, is the fluorescent not for heat? thanks for the info- port
jann i was reading over your blog again, and i see you say use a uvb bulb and a fluorescent for females, is the fluorescent not for heat? thanks for the info- port

I believe the UVB bulb will only provide one portion of the light spectrum. The fluorescent bulb will help provide the parts of the spectrum that the UVB can't.

Could be wrong though :p
Okay that's a good point the bulb i have is a incandescent spot bulb, i was told at the reptile store i should use it for heat, it is pretty cold in the room she is in, so it makes sense to have it if i want it to be 80 degrees in the enclosure
UVB provides the spectrum of light needed for chameleons to properly break down the needed vitamins and minerals for proper bone growth and overall health. The best type of UVB bulb to use is a tube fluorescent and not a compact(coiled) one.

The other type of bulb that is needed is a simple clear household bulb to provide a basking spot of 85 degrees or so.

Also in that cage you need some more cover so the animal can feel secure and less stressed.

I would also lose the green carpet as that is a great place for bacteria and mold to grow. Use newspaper or paper towels until you can get a full screen enclosure and ditch the glass tank.
jann i was reading over your blog again, and i see you say use a uvb bulb and a fluorescent for females, is the fluorescent not for heat? thanks for the info- port

Yes, the fluoresent will give off some heat and light too. Chameleons like it light. For a female that should be all that you need unless you have a really cold house then you might need a 25 watt bulb for basking.

Over Camille’s (my females) free range I have the double fluorescent hood that houses a tube/linear Repti-sun 5.0 and a regular white fluorescent tube light. In my house this keeps her basking temperature right at 80. I found this method of lowering the temps in Lynda Horgan’s blog: http://raisingkittytheveiledchameleon.blogspot.com/2007/12/keeping-female-veiled.html
Lynda has been successfully raising chameleons for over twenty years.
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where can i get the how to ask for help form? I want to make sure I'm doing things right, i have a new all screen cage coming, i did this for cheap maybe 15 bucks so for the time being it was a little better. i like getting personal responses though it makes me feel better about the information.
thermometer from pet store the gauge one
Normally when gauge is mentioned, it is the analog one. You will want a digital thermometer AND hygrometer.
the bowls in there i do not fill with water, theyre for catching water when i mist and holding down the liner.
I don't like that liner to be honest. If that's the repti-carpet or something similar it is well known for tearing nails and just causing problems in general.

Standing water in your enclosure could be a breeding ground for bacteria. If you need something to catch the water make sure it is covered and easy to clean. Those dishes are a little harder to clean than a plastic dish IMO. If you do add a shallow dish, add something over it so your feeders don't drown.
do you think newspaper or paper towel is a good quick fix to get the carpet out? because it bugs me tbh
do you think newspaper or paper towel is a good quick fix to get the carpet out? because it bugs the shit out me tbh
Paper towel is generally used. Just a reminder there are users of all ages on this forum.
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