Hand feeding help / methods / Gudience


New Member
Hey all, my little panther man is definitaly fisty but I'm very confident I will pull this out of him and work with him daily no problem...
What I really could use help with is the proper method of hand feeding..
I have not used this option before because my veiled was just so relaxed...This will be my second day with my panther and I would like to start this routine right away as early as tomorrow and while he is so young..
Any help and ideas from your experience would be greatly appreciated!
I agree, best to start taming when young.
After the intial 2 weeks of leaving them totally alone, except to feed (free range hunting style). They should already be somewhat used to seeing you.
If them still hide back in the cage when you approch, they are not ready to be hand fed yet.
I wait until they start coming up to the front of the cage and not showing alot of fear.
Then, I start hand introducing food items on my hand (palm, not finger).
I like to use worms like silkies or hornworms because they dont run!!

Just put one in your palm and slowly open the cage and stick your hand in about 6'' away from him.
Hold still, it helps to talk to him gently (this is really for u, since he cant hear you ;)
If he starts to turn away from you, quit and try again later.
Never be "pushy" or impatient.
Keep repeating this, they will see the worm, but be a little apprehensive to snag it at first.
Keep getting a little closer each time, backing off if he turns away, until he will take the worm out of your hand.
Try to very gently touch his nose so he can sence you.
Continue hand feeding every day with the worms and they will get to where they will not hesitate at all (unless someone else is in the room).

Try to think like a little chameleon!! :confused: here is this giant animal coming at you with it's huge pink claw :eek:

To me, few things in life are as emotionaly rewarding as taming an "un-tamable" animal :D
My ambilobe male for hornworms only, but ive never invested enough time into it. But maybe try to start slowly with one of its favorite foods.
At first he wouldnt eat anything from the hand no matter how wiggly. I started with the "hand" holding a white bowl with 1 feeder in it. Next stage was leading him out of the cage with the feeder.
My little girl Isis (veiled and 11 months old) will walk onto my hand (or allow me to pick her up) and while she's sitting there poised, I take a cricket with my other hand, hold it 'pincher-like' and when it starts to wiggle, she snaps it up!

It didn't take long for her to learn this...she had a bad bout of pnuemonia from May - August (whole left lobe was infected!) and I had no choice but to force feed her while she was on medication as she refused to feed on her own. Now that she's better she is more willing to take the cricket voluntarily. I always enjoy hand feeding her as its our time to show trust and that is what makes a tame chameleon!

ps: just yesterday I tried 'cup' feeding and it was equally successful! :)
So I've had my little guy for exactly a week today. He's a 4 month Veiled, "Koopa." He actually hand-fed from me the first day I got him. What I did is I took a cricket, tore off one of his hind legs, placed it in my palm, and then offered it to my cham. He snatched it up first try. Try it out! The cricket's movement is hard for any cham to resist, and after you tare their hind leg (just one), they can't jump off your hand. Let me know if it works out
Well I picked him up sunday.... And its three days later, today was huge! He ate out of my fingers for a total of 9 crickets and yo silk worms!
It took time and patients eveyday so far... He is far from tame but so far from were we started this little deal lol!
I can see now that I will be able to tame him with time, it will be no problem at all..
There is no question he already broke in his mind that fingers and hands are not that bad and always always bring food with them this is key!
He does not run or flare up now, however if I move a bit sudden he might think abour turning bit.
So I seen huge results today and I am very encouraged and do happt that I started this as easrly as I have!
Thank you ever one that replied and gave their experiences and thougts,it helped me think how do I want to raise him from the start and how do I want to see him when he is older..
Other wise it would have just been a cham being how ever he ended up..
But this stuff really works!
Thanks again everyone!
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