Handling techniques please???


Established Member
Hi All,

As you know, Simba was not happy with the handling when I last tried and tried to commit suicide by running off my hand!!!! Luckily I caught him!!

Now I'm thinking of starting to try to handle him now he's bigger but while he's still young so he'll be used to it as he gets older.

Just wondered what techniques people would reccommend. Is it a case of starting with hand feeding and progressing from there??

Plus, I'm wondering how I'll get him out of his enclosure when I get his adult one???? :eek:

He's still wary of me and either runs away or puffs himself up if my hand gets too close. I used to ignore my beardie when he did this and just pick him up, but I'm not sure if it'll stress Simba out too much.

Tiff, I know you had a similar experience?? How long did you leave it before you tried again?? and how did you go about it??

Thanks in advance :D
Hi Kat! I did get your pm, and I apologise as I forgot to reply! How bad of me!:eek:

I used the handfeeding technique and gradually moved the food furtherand further away so the cham has to climb more and more onto your hand to get the food. These days as Amy is such a greedy mare, I distract her with one hand whilst sliding the other under her front end. She usually climbs right on.

I had a similar experience to you when Amy was tiny - she just leapt out of my hand and scared the living daylights out of me, lol! She was absolutely fine, but I wasn't! I felt like the worst person in the world. I think I left it a week or so before I tried again and always handled her whilst sat down. You will need to be patient and be prepared to get an achy arm whilst you hold the food out! It may take several days before he will take food from you. Do you have calciworms or silkworms that you could use for handfeeding?
Yeah start with hand feeding. That is like positive renforcement. Then let him come out on his own. If they do it on their own I feel that you cant cause any stress because they made that decision on their own. When he was ready.
Then if you get lucky, this will happen every time you open the cage.
Good luck:)
I'm having a similar problem. My veiled is 5 months old and hates anyone. I hand fed him until he was about 4 months old and then all of a sudden he wouldn't let me get near him. I've been told that around this age is when they hit "puberty" and are very aggressive. Some people have said that this will go away with some as they get older and others have said that you may just have a mean cham. Goodluck.
Everything I read says veiled are the most aggressive of the chameleons. While some are more docile than others on the whole they are more aggressive than others. All chameleons are categorizes as show lizards and not for handling. Many, as you work with them, might warm up to the idea of being held or socializing.

You can continue to work with them to see how it goes, but know there is good chance it will just end up as a prize possession you get to enjoy inside it's cage. I am still working with mine hopeful I can warm him up to handling. It is going to be a long process is my guess.
My veileds wont even think about eatting out of my hand. But I got them both cup feeding, and I have now gotten one of them to start eatting out of a clear cup while I'm holding it. I'm hoping soon he will just eat out of my hand.
Thanks everyone.

Yeah, thats what I though. A long drawn out event!!! LOL

Will start with the forceps to feed him again, then progress to my hand, then go from there etc...

I am prepared for him to just not have a bar of it, but if he will at least tolerate it, it'll make it easier and less stressful for him, when the complete clean out day arrives. Well worth a try IMHO.

Thanks again, will keep you posted ;)
Try letting him climb out onto a plant outside the cage door and see if he is more approachable when OUT of the cage. See if you can get him to climb on a stick and then sit down with the stick on your lap and hold him that way. Try edgin your hand underneath his chin and see if you can get him to climb on your hand that way. These are a few methods that worked for me. Don't give up! Don't stress him out to the point where he is falling running away from you but just try and be persistent but gentle at the same time.
I will just add one more thing - some chameleons don't take to new things (such as sticks, etc) entering ther home. I could never get Tommy out using anything other than my hand - if I try and put a new branch or stick in his viv he gets very stressed and gets his black 'angry' spots. I have to take him out first and put the new items into his viv and then put him back in again. That way he accepts whatever I have done. Sticks can sometimes freak them out - if you try this method, just be watchful and keep an eye on his colour and body language - you will soon know if he's not happy with it.
I will just add one more thing - some chameleons don't take to new things (such as sticks, etc) entering ther home. I could never get Tommy out using anything other than my hand - if I try and put a new branch or stick in his viv he gets very stressed and gets his black 'angry' spots. I have to take him out first and put the new items into his viv and then put him back in again. That way he accepts whatever I have done. Sticks can sometimes freak them out - if you try this method, just be watchful and keep an eye on his colour and body language - you will soon know if he's not happy with it.

Agreed, but just something that worked for me. Not all chams are the same as stated. Alls you can do is try and know when to back off if it is not working!
i did the same exact thing, and she seemed fine with it, it's like giving her a treat really. i guess they accept you as a friend rather than a foe when you feed them.
must be stockhole syndrome :)
Thanks ;)

And thanks for the attachment Tiff!!! I really think all advice so far will def help.

I know it will take time and I'm going to MAKE myself be patient!! LOL

He's a funny lil man. Sometimes he doesn't mind my hand being in the cage and crawls around quite near. Other times he'll do his BEST to hide or try and 'puff up'.
He looks so cute coz he's so small and I can't help but see the funny side!!! LOL Bless him!

I really only want to be able to handle him for logic purposes, not just the novelty of holding him. Like cleaning out and vet visits (hope there aren't any but will be less of a stress on Simba if he's used to being handled if he does ever need to go)

Fingers crossed!

I guess I'll keep you posted ;)
i cant say ive had problems. I have a nearly 18mnth old Male veiled and he is just fine, did bite me today though, and draw blood :mad: But my fault i did tease him :D But i dont tease him all the time i really respect him :)
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