Can i handle my 3 month old veiled chameleon everyday? I heard that if handle it everyday, it will be tame. Ive tried several times but it will turn dark. Help me please. Thanks!
i personally feel that handling should always be on a chams terms.some people can handle there chams and some cant.patience is very important.
some people like me are cham loves being handled but thats due to how he was raised but i never pick him up.he always comes to me or should i say grabs me lol
if your cham does not want you near him he will show it by either turning dark,running away,puffing up or maybe even hiss & yours is turning dark then he is becoming should leave him be and in the mean time build up his really dont want to stress him out.
you are a predator to him with big hands coming in.put yourself in his position.
you want him to feel comfortable around you first.
the best ways to do this are hand feeding.i also believe free ranging helps too but he may never like being handled,some just dont.
personally what i would do is just mist and feed him and leave him be for a few weeks.once he seems calm with you just doing that then i would try hand feeding him a nice treat.if he runs away or shows distress then move away slowly and try again the next day,just take it slow and enjoy your beautiful animal.xx
Both my Veileds are around the same age mate, the female will hide when im near, but i too am lucky when it comes to my male Bert as he seems to come to me when im near and has no problem with eating from the cup of crickets i offer him or even right from my hand, Veileds or any chameleons can have different personality's just like people.
Keep working on his terms like Crystal said let him get used to the fact your not there to make lunch of him yourself lol.
Its really rewarding witch iv found with Bert and that's why im more than willing to put in the time and effort with my Little female Esme
If he is a new addition, he is definitely going to be very timid at first. I wouldn't try handling him every day, but maybe a couple times a week introduce your hand and if he turns dark colors than try again in a couple days. Most likely, he will warm up to you.